Seven reasons to study an Events Management course


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While some people may think a degree in events management or hospitality management means you’ll spend the rest of your life as a wedding planner, there are a lot more places this kind of course can take you. The events industry is huge and diverse, and here are just seven reasons why events management is a great course to study.

Open yourself up to opportunities

Events and hospitality management isn’t just conferences and birthday parties; in such a diverse sector, you can find your own place to suit your own goals. Some people who study events management may be more artistic, and some may be more business focussed; whatever you may be, there will be a niche for you to find. From job roles as unique as artist programmer for a music festival to finance manager for a national exhibition, you’ll be able to carve your own pathway to your dream job.

Event and Hospitality Management Courses

Develop skills you never knew you had

A lot goes into being a good event manager than many people may realise. By studying events management, you’ll be set up with skills that won’t just help you succeed in this particular career path, but will set you up with a whole host of transferrable skills and experiences, such as handling budgets, running marketing campaigns, and managing people and logistics.

Each day is a new day

The nature of this industry means you’ll get up to a much wider range of activities, meaning no day is the same. On one day, you’re checking out a new venue for your event before going off to meet a second client, then the next day you’re setting up and hosting a live music festival. The variety means you won’t get bogged down with the same old stuff, keeping you motivated and fulfilled.

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Give yourself just as many experiences

Whether it’s hosting corporate meetings for Fortune 500 companies or running an international dance festival, being an events manager can be just as exciting for you as for your clients. Travel opportunities, getting back-stage access, meeting big-name people; all of these are just part and parcel of a career in events.

See the results of your hard work first-hand

There’s nothing more rewarding than knowing your hard work has paid off. Not only does the events industry offer a fantastic opportunity to see your plans and ideas come to life, but getting stellar reviews and feedback directly from your clients is the ultimate pat-on-the-back. Not something you always get in your 9-to-5.

FOMO is real; people want experiences

A recent survey by Eventbrite found that young people have serious FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out): combined, millenials spend almost £420 million on attending live events each month. And with almost two thirds of their respondents saying they would rather spend their hard-earned cash on experiences rather than physical possessions, the events and experience industry isn’t going anywhere just yet.

The events industry is big money

While events aren’t always about generating profit or big business, there’s always that question of ‘will I be able to get a job when I graduate?’ In the UK, the events and experience industry is worth over £40 billion, and the top 10 event management companies combined turnover is around £3.5 billion. That’s huge. And that’s just in the UK. With the global events market set to expand in 2018 and 2019, more and more people will be coming together for shared experiences that you could help make happen.

Event and Hospitality Management Courses


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