
CAFE specialises in applied Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models, Econometrics, Business Analytics and other methods and produce research outputs aligned to these specialisms. You can also access our publications through the online repository. View BCU's Open Access repository. 

Knowledge Exchange

(Newspaper, Commentary, Video Commentary and other)


Dr. Hafiz Rana: Published in The News on Sunday (Pakistan): "Rebuilding Trust" and "Economic Survival in 2024". Media talk on SAMAA TV and Pakistan Television World: Watch here.

Dr. Erez Yerushalmi & Dr. David Hearne: Published in The Conversation: Proximity to cycling networks boosts property values in Greater Manchester.

Dr. Kashan Pirzada: Appointed Special Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Corporate Governance and Sustainability Disclosure in the International Journal of Accounting: Details here.


Rana, H.M.U. (2024) Economic survival in 2024| Political Economy | [online] .


Rana H., Digital Currency and Pakistan's Economy, The News on Sunday, October 1, 2023. (Accessed: 5 October 2023).

Rana H., After the IMF deal, The News on Sunday, July 9, 2023. (Accessed: 5 October 2023).


Psychogios, A. (2022) TigerLAB Bites on Leadership & Neuroscience (BCU Video).

Rana, H. (2022) Climate change exacerbates food insecurity, the News On Sunday. (accessed: 27 Sep 2022)

Ahmed, Wahabalbari (2022) TigerLAB Bites on Islamic Finance (BCU Video).

Rana, Hafiz (2022) Pakistan’s balance of payments crisis | Political Economy | (n.d.).  (Accessed: 30 August 2022)

Rana, Hafiz (2022) Commodity cycles: challenges for Sharif regime, Dawn Today’s Paper (Accessed: 30 May 2022). 

Yerushalmi, Erez. (2022) TigerLAB BITES on Telemedicine (BCU Video and Text).

Rana, Hafiz. (2022)  Let’s Go for Gold. DAWN Today's paper, Pakistan (Accessed: 01 March 2022).

Rana, Hafiz. (2022) Exchange rate very critical under IMF. DAWN Today's paper, Pakistan. (Accessed: 20/01/22)

Yerushalmi, Erez, (2022) Expect better vaccination strategy to stop Covid-19. Top 5 Business Trends and Tips for 2022, BCU Advantage.


Rana, Hafiz. (2021) Cryptocurrency: a solution to corruption and transparency, the Express Tribune. (Accessed: 20 Jan 2021).

Yerushalmi, Erez, Hafner, M., Fays, C., Dufresne, E., Van Stolk, C., (2021) Quantifying the economic cost of vaccine nationalism using computable general equilibrium model. Grassroots 12. Newsletter of the Research Committee on Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change.

Yerushalmi, Erez (2021) Covid-19 and the cost of vaccine nationalism, BCU BLSS conference on Covid-19: An Unequal Impact?

Rana, Hafiz. (2021) Pakistan’s unregulated gold market, the Express Tribune (access: 20/01/22)

Philp, Bruce. (2021) Doing Heterodox Economics Quantitatively: Possibilities and Pitfalls (Download to watch mp4 video).

Paladini, Stefania (2021) How Mars became the price for the new space race - and why China is hellbent on winning it, The Conversation.  (Hear a Podcast).

CAFE Working Papers and Others

Index by EconPapers and Repec/Ideas. Please contact: Editor: Dr. Abdul Ghafoor, Associate Editors: Dr. Scott Lichtenstein


Calzada, BCO and Spinola, Danilo (2024) Determinants of Export Diversification in Resource-Dependent Economies: The Role of Product Relatedness and Macroeconomic Conditions. Working Paper 30. Centre for Accountancy Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Foye, James (2024) What Determines Equity Returns in Emerging Markets? Working Paper 29. Centre for Accountancy Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Unpublished)

Rana, Hafiz Muhammad Usman and O'Connor, Fergal and Yerushalmi, Erez and Kim, H. Jae (2024) Market Efficiency Perspective of Precious Metals: Evidence from Developed and Emerging Economies. Working Paper 28. Centre for Accountancy Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Ghafoor, A., Zhichuan, F. L., & Yousaf, I. (2024). Co-opted Boards and Corporate Cash Holdings. Working Paper 27. Centre for Accountancy Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University (Submitted)

Owusu, Andrews and O'Sullivan, Noel and Kwabi, Frank and Holmes, Mark (2024) Why Do Female Lead Auditors Charge a Fee Premium? Evidence from the UK Audit Market. Working Paper 26. Centre for Accountancy Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.


Botta, Alberto and Spinola, Danilo and Yajima, Giuliano and Porcile, Gabriel (2023) Pasinetti, Debt Sustainability and (Green) Structural Change at the Time of Global Finance: An Emerging and Developing Countries’ Perspective. Working Paper 25. Centre for Accountancy Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Hearne, David and Yerushalmi, Erez (2023) Do Bicycle Networks Have Economic Value? A Hedonic Application to Greater Manchester. Working Paper 24. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Lichtenstein, Scott and Fenn, Paul and Kah, Sally (2023) Developing a Co-constructed Autoethnographic Approach to Understand Personal Values-Guided Social Entrepreneurship. Working Paper 23. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University, Working paper series.

Yerushalmi, Erez and Paladini, Stefania (2023) Blockchain in Financial Intermediation and Beyond: What are the Main Barriers for Widespread Adoption? Working Paper 22. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Papagiannaki, Eleni and Philp, Bruce and Wheatley, Daniel (2023) Decomposing Surplus-Value: An Analysis of Distribution and Unproductive Labour of the UK Economy, 1992-2020. Working Paper 21. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Nielsen, Beverley and McCabe, Steven and Fattorini, Greg and Fattorini, Thomas (2023) The Jewellery Quarter Industry Cluster - halting terminal decline and providing practical support to Birmingham’s original creative industry. Project Report. Birmingham City University.


Perin, Fernanda and Paranhos, Julia (2022) The Internationalisation of the Large Brazilian Pharmaceutical Companies: Challenges, Competitive Advantages and Strategies. Working Paper 20. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Perin, Fernanda and Paranho, Julia (2022) How does public support influence the Large Brazilian Pharmaceutical Companies’ decisions to internationalise? Working Paper 19. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Nomaler, Önder and Spinola, Danilo and Verspagen, Bart (2022) Demand-led Industrialisation Policy in a Dual-Sector Small Balance of Payments Constrained Economy. Working Paper 18. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Ganguly, Arpan and Spinola, Danilo (2022) Growth and Distribution regimes under Global Value Chains: Diversification, Integration and Uneven Development. Working Paper 17. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Calzada, BCO and Spinola, Danilo (2022) Complexity and Productive Structure in Latin America: A Network Analysis of Trade Patterns. Working Paper 16. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.


Akbar, Muhammad and Ali, Shahid and Ullah, Ihsan and Rehman, Naser (2021) Adaptive Market Hypothesis: A Comparison of Islamic and Conventional Stock Indices. Working Paper 15. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Hussain, Shahzad and Akbar, Muhammad and Malik, Qaisar and Ahmad, Tanveer and Abbas, Nasir (2021) Downside Systematic Risk in Pakistani Stock Market: Role of Corporate Governance, Financial Liberalization and Investor Sentiment. Working Paper 14. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Papagiannaki, Eleni and Giraleas, Dimitris and Thanassoulis, Emmanuel (2021) Unpaid Overtime: Measuring its Contribution to the UK Industries’ Output. Working Paper 13. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Porcile, Gabriel and Spinola, Danilo and Yajima, Giuliano (2021) Patterns of Growth in Structuralist Models: The Role of Political Economy. Working Paper 12. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Sanusi, Muhammad Surajo (2021) Action research to reassess the effectiveness of a blended learning approach in postgraduate business education using unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model. Working Paper 11. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University, Birmingham.

Magacho, Guilherme and Spinola, Danilo (2021) Supply and demand in Kaldorian growth models: a proposal for dynamic adjustment. Working Paper 10. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University, Birmingham.

Nomaler, Önder and Spinola, Danilo and Verspagen, Bart (2021) R&D-based Economic Growth in a Supermultiplier Model. Working Paper 9. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.


Hafner, M., Yerushalmi, E., Stepanek, M., and et. el.  (2020) Estimating the global economic benefits of physically active populations over 30 years (2020 to 2050). Working Paper 8. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Akbar, Muhammad and Tahir, Aima (2020) Stand Still and Do Nothing: COVID-19, Stock Returns and Volatility. Working Paper 7. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Unpublished)

Akbar, Muhammad and Hussain, Shahzad and Ahmad, Tanveer and Hassan, Shoib (2020) Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Pakistan: Dynamic Panel Estimation. Working Paper 6. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Unpublished)

Hafner, Marco and Yerushalmi, Erez and Andersson, Fredrik L. and Burtea, Teodor (2020) Quantifying the macroeconomic cost of night-time bathroom visits: an application to the UK. Working Paper 5. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University. (Submitted)

Yerushalmi, Erez and Ziv, Sani (2020) Imputing the Social Value of Public Health Care: a New Method with Application to Israel. Working Paper 4. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Szymborska, Hanna Karolina (2020) Rethinking inequality in the 21st century – inequality and household balance sheet composition in financialized economies. Working Paper 3. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics (CAFE), Birmingham City Business School, Birmingham City University.

Papagiannaki, Eleni and Philp, Bruce and Arntsen, Alexandra (2020) Social or Economic Class? False Dichotomies, Reductionism and Abstract Categories. Working Paper 2. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics, Birmingham City Business School.

Dimitriadis, Nikolaos and Psychogios, Alexandros (2020) Social Brain-Constructed Relational Leadership: A Neuroscience View of the Leader-Follower Duality. Working Paper 1. Centre for Applied Finance and Economics, Birmingham City Business School.


Hunt, Mark (2023) UK Taxation a simplified guide for students 2023/24. Spiramus Press, London. ISBN 9781913507480

Msosa, Steven and Mugova, Shame and Mlambo, Courage (2023) Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries Challenges in the Extractive Industry. Springer.

Lichtenstein, Scott and Higgs, Malcolm (2021) Strategy through Personal Values - a behavioural approach. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030882686

Akudugu, Mamudu Abunga and Alhassan, Abdul-Razak (2020) Supply Chain Management in African Agriculture. Innovative approaches to commodity value chains. Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 9783030542092

Psychogios, Alexandros and Dimitriadis, Nikolaos (2020) Neuroscience for Leaders: Practical Insights to Successfully Lead People & Organizations (2nd Ed.). Kogan Page. ISBN 9781789662146



Hearne, D., & Yerushalmi, E. (2024). The Amenity Value of Bicycle Infrastructure: A Hedonic Application to Greater Manchester, UKEnvironmental and Resource Economics. ISSN 1573-1502 (In Press)

Ghafoor, A., & Gull, A. A. (2024). Do co-opted boards protect CEOs from ESG controversies?. Finance Research Letters, 105263.ISSN 1544-6123

Tutuncu, A., Bayraktar, Y., & Khan, K. (2024). Is Geopolitical Risk a Reason or Excuse for Bigger Military Expenditures?. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy. ISSN 1554-8597

Owusu, Andrews and O'Sullivan, Noel and Kwabi, Frank and Holmes, Mark (2024) Why Do Female Lead Auditors Charge a Fee Premium? Evidence from the UK Audit Market. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. ISSN 1061-9518

Tohang, Valentina and Hutagaol-Martowidjojo, Yanthi and Pirzada, Kashan (2024) The Link Between ESG Performance and Earnings Quality. Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal, 18 (1). pp. 187-204. ISSN 1834-2019

Ambilichu, Charles Anyeng and Akaighe, Godbless, O. and Pepple, Dennis G. (2024) Performance appraisal process as a determinant of employee commitment: a serial mediation analysis. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Management. ISSN 2051-6614


Asiedua, Edward and Karimu, Amin and Iddrisu, Abdul Ganiyu (2023) Structural Changes in African Households: Female-headed households and Children's Educational Investments in an Imperfect Credit Market in Africa. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 68. pp. 30-42. ISSN 0954-349X

Bui, H.T.M., Shoaib, S., Tran, L.T., Vu, V.H.T., Baruch, Y., (2023) University’s shared vision for research and teaching: an international comparative study. Higher Education.

Perin, Fernanada Steiner and Paranhos, Julia (2023) The Home Country Institutional Environment as an Internationalization Driver for the Large Brazilian Pharmaceutical Companies. Latin American Business Review.

Farai Nyika, Meshel Muzuva, Shame Mugova and Mike Muzekenyi (2023) Content analysis of public debt in prescribed undergraduate South African economics textbooks. Journal of African Education.

Khan, Asad and Rehman, Zia ur and Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim and Badshah, Imtiaz (2023) Does corporate risk management lead to risk mitigation and firm performance? Evidence from Asian Emerging Markets. Management Research Review. ISSN 2040-8269

Rana, Hafiz Muhammad Usman and O'Connor, Fergal (2023) Domestic macroeconomic determinants of precious metals prices in developed and emerging economies: An international analysis of the long and short run. International Review of Financial Analysis, 89. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1057-5219

Ghafoor, Abdul (2023) Is Marriage a Turning Point? Evidence from Cash Holdings Behaviour. British Journal of Management. ISSN 1467-8551

Ah Man, Abdollah and Ghafoor, Abdul and Sifat, Imtiaz (2023) Time-varying price dynamics of clean and dirty energy portfolios. Journal of Environmental Management, 337. p. 117687. ISSN 0301-4797

Alberto, Botta and Porcile, Gabriel and Spinola, Danilo and Yajima, Giuliano (2023) Financial integration, productive development and fiscal policy space in developing countries. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 66. pp. 175-188. ISSN 0954-349X

Audretsch, D.B., Belitski, M., Bui, H.T.M., Herzig, M., 2023. Improvisation and Innovation in Teams: The Jazz Effect. British Journal of Management 34, 150–170.

Shafiq, S., Qureshi, S.S., Akbar, M., 2023. Dynamic relationship of volatility of returns across different markets: evidence from selected next 11 countries. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (ahead-of-print).

Spinola, Danilo (2023) Instability Constraints and Development Traps: An Empirical Analysis of Growth Cycles and Economic Volatility in Latin America and the Caribbean, CEPAL Review, 139.

Thompson, Piers and Zang, Wenyu (2023) The relationship between foreign direct investment and domestic entrepreneurship: The impact and scale of investments in China. Growth and Change. ISSN 0017-4815

Paladini, Stefania and Saha, Krishnendu (2023) The quest for sustainability in lower orbit: Conceptual models for space tourism. International Journal of Tourism Research. ISSN 1522-1970.


Akbar, Saeed and Khan, Shehzad and Haq, Z. U. and Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim (2022) Capital Structure Dynamics of Shariah-Compliant vs Non-Compliant Firms: Evidence from Pakistan. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 16 (2). pp. 366-383. ISSN 1753-8394

Khan, Asad and Khan, Muhammad Ibrahim and Rehman, Zia ur and Khan, Shehzad (2022) Does prospect theory explain Bowman's paradox in Asian emerging markets? Managerial Finance, 48 (7). pp. 1029-1046. ISSN 0307-4358

Hafner, Marco and Yerushalmi, Erez and Andersson, Fredrik L. and Burtea, Teodor (2022) Partially different? The importance of general equilibrium in health economic evaluations: an application to nocturia. Health Economics. ISSN 1099-1050

Paladini, S. and I, Castellucci. 2022. Sovereign states, private actors, and (national) space laws. A rapidly evolving landscape,  in ed. C. Cockell C. 2022 The Institutions of Extraterrestrial Liberty, Oxford: Oxford University Press

Magacho, Guilherme and Spinola, Danilo (2022) Supply and demand in Kaldorian growth models: a proposal for dynamic adjustment. Review of Political Economy. ISSN 0953-8259

Bui, Hong (2022) Examining Teachers’ Behavioural Intention for Online Teaching After COVID-19 Pandemic: A Large-Scale Survey. Education and Information Technologies. ISSN 1360-2357

Psychogios, Alexandros (2022) Re-conceptualising Total Quality Leadership: A framework development and future research agenda. The TQM Journal. ISSN 1754-2731

Thompson, Piers and Zang, Wenyu (2022) A matter of life and death? Knowledge intensity of FDI activities and domestic enterprise. Papers in Regional Science. ISSN 1056-8190

Spinola, Danilo (2022) Instability Constraints and Development Traps An Empirical Analysis of Growth Cycles and Economic Volatility in Latin America. Cepal Review. ISSN 0252-0257

Porcile, Gabriel and Spinola, Danilo and Giuliano, Yajima (2022) Growth trajectories and political economy in a Structuralist open economy model. Review of Keynesian Economics. ISSN 2049-5323

McGonigal, Francis (2022) Language and Discourse in the Learning of Statistical Concepts. MSOR-Connections, 20 (2). pp. 106-111. ISSN 2051-4220

Dey, Prasanta Kumar and Malesios, Chrisovalantis and Chowdhury, Somyadeb and Saha, Krishnendu and Budhwar, Pawan and Debashree, De (2022) Adoption of circular economy practices in small and medium-sized enterprises: Evidence from Europe and the UK. International Journal of Production Economics.

Saha, Krishnendu and Malesios, Chrisovaladis and Chowdhury, Soumyadeb and Dey, Prasanta Kumar (2022) Impact of institutional voids on the performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Journal of Strategy and Management. ISSN 1755-425X

Paranhos J., Perin S., F., Falcao D., Vz-Canosa M., Hasenclever L., (2022) The health Priorities and Their Articulation with Industrial and STI Policies in Brazil between 2003 and 2017, Novos Estud. CEBRAP, Sao Paulo, V4Ln02, 315-332.

Paranhos J., Perin S., F., Cataldo B., Moreira T., (2022) Potentials and Vulnerabilities of the Interaction Between Compaines and Scientific and Technological Institutions. In Hansenclever et., al. The Vulnerabilities of the Brazilian Health Industrial Complex.

Ahmed, Tanveer and Hussain, Shahzad and Akbar, Muhammad and Rehman, Ajid Ur (2022) Impact of terrorism on stock market: Evidence from developed and developing markets. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 70. p. 102786. ISSN 2212-4209


Aitken, Paul, Villoslada Pablo, and Lichtenstein Scott. “Adam Smith Revisited: Moral Leadership for Global Recovery and Restoration.” , vol. 21, no. 1, Dec. 2021.

Luong, Ha Phuong and Jones, Chris Michael and Temouri, Yama (2021) The use of tax havens by multinational enterprises in business clusters: A cross-country and firm-level analysis. Academy of Management, 2021 (1). ISSN 0065-0668

Szymborska, Hanna Karolina (2021) Rethinking inequality in the 21st century – inequality and household balance sheet composition in financialized economies. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. ISSN 0160-3477

Paladini, Stefania and Yerushalmi, Erez and Castellucci, Ignazio (2021) Public Governance of the Blockchain Revolution and Its Implications for Social Finance: A Comparative Analysis. In: Innovations in Social Finance : Transitioning Beyond Economic Value. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 293-318. ISBN 9783030725358

Nomaler, Önder and Spinola, Danilo and Verspagen, Bart (2021) R&D-based Economic Growth in a Supermultiplier Model. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. ISSN 0954-349X

Saha, Krishnendu and Dey, Prasanta Kumar and Papagiannaki, Eleni (2021) Implementing circular economy in the textile and clothing industry. Business Strategy and the Environment. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1099-0836

Spinola, Danilo (2021) The La Marca model revisited: Structuralist goodwin cycles with evolutionary supply side and balance of payments constraints. Metroeconomica, 72 (1). pp. 189-212. ISSN 1467-999X


Hoyland, Thomas and Psychogios, Alexandros and Epitropaki, Olga and Damiani, Jonathan and Mukhuty, Sumona and Preistnall, Chris (2020) A two-nation investigation of Leadership Self-perceptions and Motivation to Lead in early adulthood: The moderating role of Gender and Socio-Economic Status. Leadership and Organization Development Journal. ISSN 0143-7739

Abdelfattah, Tarek and Elmahgoub, Mohamed and Elamer, Ahmed A. (2020) Female Audit Partners and Extended Audit Reporting: UK Evidence. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 0167-4544

Akudugu, Mamudu Abunga and Alhassan, Abdul-Razak (2020) Supply Chain Management in African Agriculture. Innovative approaches to commodity value chains. Palgrave Macmillan, London, United Kingdom. ISBN 9783030542092

Hafner, Marco and Yerushalmi, Erez and Stepanek, Martin and Phillips, William and Pollard, Jack and Deshpande, Advait and Whitmore, Michael and Millard, Francois and Subel, Shaun and Van Stolk, Christian (2020) Estimating the global economic benefits of physically active populations over 30 years (2020 to 2050). British Journal of Sports Medicine. ISSN 0306-3674

Akbar, Muhammad and Hussain, Shahzad and Ahmad, Tanveer and Hassan, Shoib (2020) Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Pakistan: Dynamic Panel Estimation. Abasyn Journal of Social Sciences, 12 (2). pp. 213-230. ISSN 1998-152X

Aquilino, Lucia and Wise, Nicholas and Harris, John (2020) Wackiness and Event Management: The Case of the World Alternative Games. Event Management. ISSN 1525-9951

Hafner, Marco and Andersson, Fredrik L. and Van Stolk, Christian and Whitmore, Michael and Yerushalmi, Erez and Troxel, Wendy M. (2020) Assessing the burden of nocturia in the workplace: the associations between nocturnal voiding, subjective well-being, work engagement and productivity. Journal of Medical Economics. ISSN 1941-837X (Free eprint link)


Council of Canadian Academies, CCA (2019) When Antibiotics Fail: The Expert Panel on the Potential Socio-Economic Impacts of Antimicrobial Resistance in Canada. Project Report. Council of Canadian Academies, Ottawa, Canada.

Elliot, G and Day, Marc and Lichtenstein, S. (2019) Strategic planning activity, middle manager divergent thinking, external stakeholder salience, and organisational performance: A study of English and Welsh police forces. Public Management Review. ISSN 1471-9037

Hafner, Marco and Yerushalmi, Erez and Phillips, William D. and Pollard, Jack and Deshpande, Advait and Whitmore, Michael and Millard, Francois and Van Stolk, Christian (2019) The economic benefits of a more physically active population: An international analysis. Technical Report. RAND Corporation, 2019.

Lockwood, Ben and Yerushalmi, Erez (2019) How Should Payment Services be Taxed? Social Choice and Welfare. pp. 1-27. ISSN 0176-1714

Sanusi, Muhammad Surajo and Ahmad, Farooq (2019) Measuring Predictability of Oil and Gas Stock Returns and Performance of Moving Average Trading Rules. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 3 (1). pp. 47-70. ISSN 2521-6619

Watton, Emma and Lichtenstein, Scott and Aitken, Paul (2019) ‘Won’t get fooled again’: How personal values shape leadership purpose, behaviour and legacy. Journal of Management & Organization, 25 (3). pp. 424-429. ISSN 1833-3672

Yerushalmi, Erez and Hunt, Priscillia and Hoorens, Stijn and Sauboin, Christophe and Smith, Richard (2019) Exploring the use of a general equilibrium method to assess the value of a malaria vaccine: an application to Ghana. Medical Decision Making Policy & Practice (MDM P&P), 4 (2). ISSN 23814683