Computing staff

92 items found, viewing items 21 to 30.

  • Dr Berna Bulut Cebecioglu

    Senior Research Fellow in Future Communication Systems

    Berna Bulut Cebecioglu received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey, in 2007, the M.Sc. degree in communication networks and signal processing, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., in 2011 and 2016,...

  • Dr Waldo Cervantes-Solis

    Senior Lecturer

    Dr Waldo Cervantes has over 20 years of experience in tech, industry, and academia.

  • Dr Sayed Chhattan Shah

    Senior Lecturer

    Dr. Sayed Chhattan Shah is a Senior Lecturer in Computing at Birmingham City University in the United Kingdom. He earned his PhD in Computer Science from Korea University in 2012 and an MS degree in the same field from the National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences in 2008. Before joining Birmingham City University...

  • Professor Sharon Cox

    Professor of Computing

    Professor Sharon Cox’s research in information systems and information management is based on her industrial experience. While developing the corporate data model at Jaguar Cars, Sharon was offered a fully funded studentship from Aston University to embark on doctoral research. Her research focused on developing models to...

  • Professor Chris Creed

    Professor of Human-Computer Interaction

    Professor Creed specialises in the area of Human-Computer Interaction and has extensive experience in leading collaborative technical projects exploring the use of innovative technologies. His core research interest is around the design and development of assistive technology for disabled people across a range of impairments....

  • Dr Debashish Das

    Data Science Lecturer

    Debashish received his BSc Computer Science Degree from University of Madras, India, Masters in Computer Science from University of Pune, India. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia. After the completion of Masters in Computer Science, he started his academic career and has been...

  • Nathan Dewell

    Course Leader – BSc (Hons) Game Technology

    Nathan is course leader for BSc (Hons) Game Technology. He teaches Game Studio Production and Game Asset Pipeline. He is part of the research arm for Games and Graphics within the  DMTLab  at BCU. Nathan is also a STEAMHouse academic, working with various professionals and companies to explore technical solutions and as the...

  • Cathryn Jane Easthope


    Cathy teaches on BSc courses within the Department of Digital Media Technology. Although her degrees are arts based, she has worked in biomedical research as well as design for the NHS, so this combination is ideal for courses which allow students to both express their creative and aesthetic abilities, as well as develop their...

  • Dr Ogerta Elezaj

    Lecturer of Computing and Digital Technology

    Ogerta Elezaj was recipient of Alain Bensoussan postdoctoral fellowship from European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics in 2019-2020 and held ERCIM postdoc fellow positions at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Her main fields of competence are artificial intelligence, machine learning...

  • Nouh Elmitwally

    Lecturer in Data Science

    Lecturer in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning with 4+ years of experience in the United Kingdom and other countries. He received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Surrey, the UK, and a BSc MSc from Cairo University, Egypt. Before joining BCU in September 2022, he had a long international...

92 items found, viewing items 21 to 30.