Construction and the Built Environment staff

41 items found, viewing items 11 to 20.

  • Dr Damilola Ekundayo

    Associate Professor in the Built Environment, Programme Director for MSc Quantity Surveying

    Damilola has a substantial professional experience in the construction industry and in the UK higher education sector as well as varied management experience. Before joining academia he worked in the construction industry as a chartered quantity surveyor, chartered construction manager and professional project manager both in...

  • Shuyin Feng

    Lecturer in Civil Engineering

    Shuyin is a Lecturer in Civil Engineering at the Department of Built Environment. She received her PhD and MSc by research in Civil Engineering from the University of Bristol, UK in 2022 and 2017, respectively. Her research has been focused on the hydraulic conductivity behavior of soil and pavement construction materials,...

  • Michael Grace

    Senior Research Fellow

    Mike Grace is a chartered town planner and has extensive experience in land use planning and place making through working in UK local authorities and national government agencies. He was Head of Planning Services at Carlisle City Council and Head of Profession for Sustainable Land Use at Natural England. Mike’s research...

  • Professor Silvia Gullino

    Professor of City Making

    Silvia is a Professor of City Making and a Chartered Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI). With an interdisciplinary background in Architecture and Urban Planning, her academic ethos centres on understanding cities as complex socio-economic, physical, environmental, and political systems. Addressing urban...

  • Foroogh Hajiseyedjavadi


    Foroogh is a lecturer in Civil Engineering at the Department of Built Environment and a visiting research fellow at the University of Leeds. She has a PhD in Civil Engineering with the focus on Transportation Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, where she also worked as a research and teaching...

  • Dr Javad Hashempour

    Senior Lecturer in Fire Engineering – Course Lead

    Dr Hashempour is a senior lecturer in Fire Engineering and the Course Lead in the College of Built Environment. He completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in Massachusetts, USA, from 2016 to 2018, following the award of his PhD in...

  • Professor David Higgins

    Professor of Real Estate

    Dr David Higgins is the Professor of Real Estate, Birmingham City University and past Visiting Professor, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Xiamen University, China. David has worked in both industry and academia in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and China. He is a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered...

  • Dr Miguel Hincapie-Trivino

    Lecturer in Urban Planning and Sustainability

    Miguel has joined Birmingham City University in 2022 as Lecturer in Urban Planning and Sustainability at the Built Environment Department. He teaches across various undergraduate and postgraduate courses on subjects related to sustainable urban design, development project and digital cities. Miguel obtained a professional...

  • Dr Chathu Jayakody

    Senior Lecturer

    Dr Chathuranganee Jayakody (Chathu) is a Senior Lecturer in Built Environment at Birmingham City University (BCU). Her research interests are urban planning and urban designing interventions for disaster resilience, planning and designing sustainable public open spaces and shared spaces, and addressing the needs of displaced...

  • Angela Kilby

    Senior Lecturer

    Angela is a Senior Lecturer at Birmingham City University. Subcontracting QS with experience in final account settlement and onsite measurement. PQS career: based in West Midlands & London – experienced Capital Allowance consultant with Morland and Allied Domecq with public house/nightclub refurbishment measurement and...

41 items found, viewing items 11 to 20.