
Foundation Fashion and Textiles students took part in ‘The Signature Project’ where they used their personal creative strategies to show off a range of skills and showcase their personal design style.
Students were tasked with producing a body of work that will enhance their next steps onto their chosen degree programme. Completed in lock-down, our students chose both timely and important topics to highlight within their work. Whilst being challenged by the constraints of completing their work remotely, they used this time to reflect upon the world around them using this project as a platform to tell their design stories.
Ellie Scott
Restorative Living (below left)
“I wanted to showcase the newly adapted way of life, post pandemic through a trend look book. The demand for a slower pace of life is growing whilst the need for more is shrinking. We have re-invented our way of living, after discovering how busy we are in normal lives; understanding that we thrive from just slowing down for a little while. I wanted my look book to have a focus on looking after ourselves through fitness, as during the lockdown looking after our bodies & minds was one of the only things we had control over.”
Bayley Boxley
Hoods for Homeless (below right)
“I felt there was a real issue with the lack of recourses for homeless people in terms of protective clothing as most, if not all the people I have seen have no good protective warm/weatherproof clothing. I wanted to attempt to create something to change this by providing a garment creation service through a charity”
Mahalia Sobers
Panther Reign (below left)
“I chose to base my project on the Civil Rights group, The Black Panthers, as their messages, policies, and celebration of the black community is still important today.
I designed a range of clothes and prints for people who want to show their disapproval of societal, and political oppression of minority groups – modern day Panthers. I researched the music, art scene, political campaigns, and the general fashion trends of the time. By gaining a wider understanding into the 1960s, and 1970s, I was able to create a more developed and personal response shown in my final garments.”
Mwitwa Musamali
The Truth About Knife Crime (below right)
“I chose to talk about this topic because knife crime’s always been a serious issue, my aim was to show the true effects of knife crime in a creative way, whilst educating people about the consequences of carrying a knife without alienating the reader or putting blame on people. For my final project I created an informative zine aimed at a younger audience."
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