Return to Practice – Health and Care Professions (HCPC regulated)
Currently viewing course to start in 2024/25 Entry.
This return to practice programme is for health and care professionals who are/have been on the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) register, which includes Allied Health Professions. It builds on the success of our prior programmes, which have supported a range of allied health professionals to get back on the HCPC register....
- Level CPD
- Study mode Short Course
- Award N/A
- Start date TBC
- Subject
- Location Online Learning
This course is:
This return to practice programme is for health and care professionals who are/have been on the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) register, which includes Allied Health Professions.
It builds on the success of our prior programmes, which have supported a range of allied health professionals to get back on the HCPC register.
This programme will provide you with key knowledge updates, as well as opportunities to revisit your clinical skills, and develop as a practitioner. The learning counts towards your 30 or 60 days of updating required by the Health and Care Professions Council. Please note you may need to complete additional updating and supervised practice opportunities outside of this course to fulfil your personal updating requirements.
Open to:
- Art Therapists (music, drama, art)
- Biomedical Scientists
- Clinical Scientists
- Hearing Aid Dispensers
- Practitioner Psychologists
- Chiropodists / Podiatrists
- Dietitians
- Occupational Therapists
- Operating Department Practitioners
- Orthoptists
- Paramedics
- Physiotherapists
- Prosthetists and Orthotists
- Radiographers – Diagnostic and Therapeutic
- Speech and Language Therapists
What's covered in this course?
You will study this course remotely and flexibly guided by a professional mentor who will support you to complete your own return to practice action plan. We know returners need to study around their existing commitments, and that every returner’s needs are different, so you pick the learning that is relevant to you from a suite of study topics and practice learning events. You also have access to a range of profession specific learning resources. All of our topics are aligned to NHS England’s pillars of education, leadership, research, and clinical practice and are mapped against the HCPC Standards of Proficiency enabling you to build your confidence in readiness to return to the profession you love.
During the course you will have opportunities to practice your clinical skills in live simulations, clinical practice scenarios and virtual cases, as well as take advantage of workshops with our subject specialists and our experts by experience. Our careers team are also on hand to develop your employability skills ready for working in a contemporary NHS, Education or Care environment.
Topics include:
- Tackling inequality in health and social care including respecting diversity and difference
- Reflective practice
- Supervision
- Using evidence to inform practice change
- Updates on current health, education and social care policy, practice, sustainability and core values
- Maintaining practitioner mental health and well-being, and building resilience
Why Choose Us?
- This is one of only 2 programmes of its kind in the UK
- You can undertake this programme flexibly, at a distance helping you fit this around other commitments
- You can undertake virtual practice- based learning that will help you get ready to return, as well as update your theory
- You will work with our Experts by Experience, who will share their lived experience of healthcare through your course.
Fees & How to Apply
UK students
Annual and modular tuition fees shown are applicable to the first year of study. The University reserves the right to increase fees for subsequent years of study in line with increases in inflation (capped at 5%) or to reflect changes in Government funding policies or changes agreed by Parliament.
Starting: Aug 2024
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Sep 2024
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Oct 2024
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Nov 2024
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Dec 2024
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Jan 2025
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Feb 2025
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
Starting: Mar 2025
- Mode
- Duration
- Fees
- Short Course
- Up to 12 months
International students
Sorry, this course is not available to International students.
Start dates
This course has monthly start dates.
Entry requirements
You will need to supply evidence of your original qualification as a Health and Care Professional eligible for registration with the HCPC.
Guidance for application
We do not need evidence of qualifications OTHER than evidence of your original qualification.
Download the Guidance for Applicants
This course is currently commissioned by NHS England, meaning that if you meet their criteria your fees will be paid for you.
See more information and register with NHS England’s national return to practice programme.
If you are not eligible for funding you may still apply but will have to pay the module fee for each module.
Equipment needed
You will need access to a device that enables you to use Microsoft Teams, for example a lap top or tablet device with a working camera and have access to an internet connection.
Course in Depth
This module will enable you as a previously registered (or eligible for registration) health and care professional to undertake knowledge focused learning in order to complete the self-directed process of returning to practice as set out by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, 2017). The module will be delivered using distance learning with units of content aligned to NHSE’s pillars of education, leadership, research, and clinical practice. Your will engage with specific scheduled tutorials / learning activities through Microsoft Teams and directed learning via our virtual learning environment (Moodle). We know that your learning needs, as a returner, are varied, so within the module you will devise a personalised return to practice action plan (with support from your professional mentor (also known as personal tutor)) and will then work towards fulfilling this.
There will be opportunities for you to consider your employability skills and how these may have developed in the period during which you were not practising your health and care profession. You will also access learning resources specific to your field of practice to enable you to update on key concepts of the knowledge base relevant to your health and care profession (and as identified in your action plan).
You are expected to maintain an auditable log of the hours that you personally have completed on this module to provide evidence for your application to return to the Health and Care Professions Council register.
This module will enable you as a previously registered (or eligible for registration) health and care professional to undertake virtual practice-based and practice focused learning in order to complete the self-directed process of returning to practice as set out by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, 2017). The module will be delivered using distance learning; you will engage with specific learning events through Microsoft Teams sessions or via the virtual learning environment Moodle. Due to your personalised needs as a returner, you will select learning that helps you meet your personal return to practice action plan.
The module provides you with opportunities to engage in virtual practice-based learning, as well as develop skills and knowledge in key aspects of NHS England’s pillars of education, leadership, research, and clinical practice. There will be opportunities for you to complete specific practice-based learning activities as part of a uni-disciplinary group or an inter-disciplinary group as appropriate to the clinical activity, as well as learn what person centred / family centred care is from people with lived experience. You will also have opportunities to develop skills ready for return to employment such as managing interviews and applications. You are expected to maintain an auditable log of the hours that you personally have completed on this module to provide evidence for your application to return to the Health and Care Professions Council register.
The course will be delivered using distance learning, with you engaging with specific scheduled tutorials and practice based learning events through Microsoft Teams as well as studying topics via our virtual learning environment (Moodle). There is an expectation that you will be working independently through specific learning materials for a lot of the time, but that you will also “attend remotely” for blocks of learning using Microsoft teams.
The hours of learning you will undertake are documented in your CPD log, enabling you to evidence this to HCPC.
You will be supported throughout the learning you engage in towards the end of module assessment:
- A presentation and CPD log
- An objective structured clinical exam (or OSCE)
We know as a returner to practice you have so much to offer your profession, so within your course you will have access to support and development opportunities from our careers service to enhance your employability. In addition, you will be engaging in learning activities that value all of your knowledge and experience, in particular that gained from taking time out of your professional area.
Throughout the time you are at the University you are eligible to take part in any activity offered to current students such as Graduate+ activities.
Throughout your programme you will engage with practice based learning events that will provide ‘virtual placement/practice’ experiences. These practice-based learning events will get you working in (multi) professional groups, engaging in clinical activities, and practising clinically relevant activities such as note writing.
Facilities & Staff
Our Mary Seacole Library is a large library with a vast collection of books, journals, and teaching materials, as well as specialist subject support. There are also numerous eBooks available online, which the library will help you access.
The library offers a range of support services for students completing online courses, including online resources, 24/7 virtual support, MS Teams tutorials, information on referencing and IT support.
Academic Development Department (ADD)
The Faculty has a designated team – ADD – that can support your academic skills during your time at the University, enabling you to reach your full potential.
For students completing courses delivered online, ADD offers MS Teams tutorials and has a range of study support materials on its Moodle Page which you will be able to access once you enrol.
Centre for Academic Success (CAS)
The Centre for Academic Success (CAS) is the University’s central learning development service, and can support you to improve your academic skills. CAS offers workshops, one-to-one and group tutorials and provides a range of online resources. For students completing courses online, tutorials are available via email or MS Teams and can be booked using an online booking system.
IT Support
The IT HelpDesk can be contacted via telephone, email or an App (online self-service portal). IT HelpDesk can offer remote support and cover a range of matters, including email, Office 365, Moodle, MS Teams, saving work and IT Security.
Our staff
Claire Hartley
Senior Lecturer
Claire Hartley is a Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) and Senior Lecturer (in acquired communication difficulties) at Birmingham City University. She is also the Programme Director for the Return to Practice in SLT Programme. Her interests include aphasia, motor speech disorders, simulated practice in SLT, and working with service users. She is a...
More about ClaireJodie Bryant
Simulation Lead: Health Professions
Jodie has been a HCPC registered Physiotherapist since 2006 after graduating from Oxford Brookes University. She has worked predominantly in NHS settings, completing the majority of her clinical work in London at Guy's and St Thomas’ NHS Trust. Jodie currently contributes to the teaching of all modules on the MSc Physiotherapy...
More about JodieNick Brewin
Nick completed his training as a Diagnostic Radiographer at Birmingham City University in 2015. Since then he as worked mainly in Birmingham across a wide range of roles as a Radiographer including General Xray, CT, Interventional, Cardiology and most recently Vascular Access. Nick joined BCU in March 2022 as a lecturer and teaches on the...
More about NickDr Hazel Richards
Senior Lecturer in Speech and Language Therapy
Hazel is a registered Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) who worked in NHS for over 20 years as a specialist SLT, with a focus on complex special needs including AAC (alternative and augmentative communication), dysphagia, CAMHS, and multi-disciplinary working.
More about HazelLewis Clemson
Lecturer in Operating Department Practice
Lewis qualified as an Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) in 2017. Once qualified, he worked at a Major Trauma Centre, helping to care for patients with severe life-threatening injuries. He was able to experience the perioperative care of patients undergoing complex procedures within Orthopaedics (both elective and emergency trauma),...
More about LewisEnquiries
Course enquiries
To find out more about this course, please contact the Programme Director, Claire Hartley on:
- T: 0121 202 4231
- E: Claire.Hartley@bcu.ac.uk