Personalised Care Centre

The Personalised Care Centre is a voice for personalised care, engaging in active collaboration with a diverse array of stakeholders.

By uniting different perspectives, the Centre aims to establish a distinctive platform for the exchange of knowledge in order to enhance the health and wellbeing of individuals and communities, boosting the efficacy and sustainability of health and care systems.

Personalised care training hub

Our accredited training courses offer a practical, step-by-step approach to implementing various aspects of personalised care.

View our current courses

Research, consultancy and knowledge exchange

We offer a service that can help you design and adopt effective personalised care programmes.

How we can help you

Current projects

We are involved in a range of collaborative projects aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of care coordination.

Read about our current projects

About the Centre

The Personalised Care Centre is committed to fostering exchanges of knowledge, as well as advancing research, training, and consultancy within the care sector.

Learn more about the Centre

Our people

The Centre brings together experienced practitioners in personalised care with expert researchers in the field.

Meet our people

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please contact us.

Contact us

Social Prescribing

Birmingham City University (BCU) has formed a strategic alliance with the National Association of Link Workers (NALW) to explore the development of social prescribing and personalised care through targeted educational programs and collaborative research initiatives.

Learn more about the research