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The person-centred cluster brings together a community of clinicians, researchers, students and academics from a wide range of health disciplines and contexts. The core research principles of the person-centred cluster is research to enable, empower and influence the treating of all people with dignity and respect, by being aware of and supporting personal perspectives, values, beliefs and preferences, providing health and social care through listening to each other and working in partnership to design and deliver services.
Research objectives
- To develop innovative approaches in health and social care to support person-centred values include individuality, rights, privacy, choice, independence, dignity, respect and partnership
- To implement translational research to support and improve the outcomes, including quality of life for older people and those with dementia
- To support and improve the outcomes for older people and those with dementia across all settings including community, acute hospitals, care homes and prisons.
- To work with clinicians as researchers and build healthcare professionals research capability
- To establish and sustain collaborative research between academic, healthcare professional and the involvement of patient and public involvement
- To explore creative methodologies across disciplines and fields to support and inform a person-centred research approach and ethos