Archived projects

AHRC BBC Radio Listeners Online - 2007 to 2008
Interactive Cultures led the AHRC-BBC Pilot Knowledge Exchange Programme into Listener online…

AHRC Knowledge Transfer Fellowship - 2011 to 2013
The Knowledge Transfer Fellowship (KTF) in New Strategies for Radio and Music Organisations aimed…

Supporting diversity in the craft economy
Exploring BAME female craft workers’ use of social media for self-promotion, networking and…

CETL Interactive Technologies for Active Learning
Interactive Cultures worked on a pilot study to deepen Birmingham City University's understanding…

Cities and Science Communication
This project aimed to assess ways of building a scientific culture, in order to devise and test new…

Developing Citizen Journalists in the Arab region
Developing Citizen Journalists in the Arab Region is a two-year project funded by the British…

Digital Champions for a Digital Birmingham - 2009 to 2011
On behalf of Birmingham City Council, this project was intended to benefit Birmingham-based…

iMeedan - 2011 to 2012
The iMeedan project focused on making a contribution to improving media plurality in Egypt, through…

Innovative Media and Music Heritage - 2011 to 2013
Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research (BCMCR) are the leaders of an EU-funded Leonardo…

Media, Community and the Creative Citizen - 2012 to 2014
Every day millions of citizens do something creative, from genealogy to knitting, photography or…

Online Music Enterprise - 2005 to 2006
Online Music Enterprise was a two-year Research and Knowledge Transfer initiative funded by the…

Rhythm Changes - 2012 to 2013
Rhythm Changes is a transnational research project which investigates jazz scenes and practices in…