Dr Poppy Wilde

Poppy Wilde

Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication, Enterprise and CPD Coordinator for the College of English and Media

0121 331 5676

Dr Poppy Wilde is a Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication and Enterprise and CPD Coordinator for the College of English and Media. She is the author of Posthuman Gaming: Avatars, Gamers, and Entangled Subjectivities (Routledge, 2023) and has published extensively on critical posthumanism and game studies.

Her research explores how posthuman subjectivities are enabled and embodied in a variety of contexts, particularly through gaming, zombie studies, and affective and autoethnographic methodologies. She is also co-editor of Working Women on Screen: Paid Labour and Fourth Wave Feminism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024).

She teaches media, communication, and cultural theory, often focusing on new / digital / social media communities, contexts and practices. Her research interests are critical posthumanism, postanthropocentic and digital cultures, embodiment, affect, performance in online contexts and the lived experience in research methods.

Areas of Expertise
Postgraduate Supervision
Work With Industry
Links and Social Media