Advice from first year student, Harriet Devlin

Hi there! I'm Harriet and I'm just completing my first year on BSc (Hons) Child Nursing. Preparing to start uni is really exciting, but can be overwhelming too. I've shared my advice and tips to make your transition to uni life as smooth as possible and hopefully ease any anxieties you might have.

The best discovery I have made since starting University

Sorry but the best discovery since starting university has to be the Student Union café bar, The Social Kitchen! You can get the most delicious and fresh lunch for under a fiver (and that can be with a cheeky drink too). I have also discovered my attention span is a lot better than I thought! A two-hour lecture can seem a bit daunting at first, but when the lecturer is engaging and the module focuses on real-life issues, you will be surprised by how much you actually want to learn!

My favourite thing about BCU

The fact that we have access to all campuses and the facilities at them. I live closer to the Curzon Building at the City Centre Campus so when I want to revise in a learning environment, it is much easier for me to get there. A change of environment is definitely good for concentration!

What I love about the city

Birmingham is my home so I’m completely biased but it’s definitely the place to be! I don’t have a bad word to say about it. Birmingham has a huge library with a great view of the city, amazing nightlife for all types of people and offers lots of great places to eat out! We Brummies celebrate individual differences and living in such a multicultural city means we have the chance to make friends and learn with people from all different kinds of cultures and backgrounds. This is something I love as I am always learning from the people I meet!

My top tip for new student nurses

Give it everything you’ve got! I really think the experience of being a student nurse depends on your attitude to work. If you are enthusiastic and hardworking, you will have an amazing time. It can be easy to moan about the long hours in university and on placement, the maths exams and assignments, but it’s important to remember why you are putting yourself through it. It all comes down to giving the best care to your patients and it’s so rewarding when you feel confident and knowledgeable enough to make a difference to a patient’s life. Stay on top of the theory and be the best version of yourself on placement and you can’t go wrong!

What I didn’t know before starting my course

I underestimated the power of books! I thought writing assignments could be done from the comfort of my own home behind a computer screen. But I quickly realised to reach the best grades I had to use books for research and evidence in my writing. So I would definitely recommend making full use of the library – it’s a great resource!

My uni essentials

  • Self care (knowing when to say no, taking time to relax and reflect)
  • Support from friends, family and my personal tutor
  • Organisation (a diary or even using the phone calendar app helps me visualise where I need to be and when)
  • Download the iBCU app (to remember what lectures you have and where)
  • Comfy shoes for placement!