Advice from first year student, Harry Lowe

Hi, I'm Harry and I'm just completing my first year on BSc (Hons) Child Nursing. Preparing to start uni is really exciting, but can be overwhelming too. I've shared my advice and tips to make your transition to uni life as smooth as possible and hopefully ease any anxieties you might have.

The best discovery I have made since starting the University

The best discovery I have made since starting university is definitely how supportive the cohort can be! I thought living at home while studying would mean it would be harder to meet new people. But it isn’t the case; everyone knows everyone in the cohort which makes the support within it great. Everyone works together to support anyone who needs it. You will definitely not be by yourself when studying nursing!

My favourite thing about BCU

My favourite thing about BCU is the amount resources that it has to offer for your studies! There’s the library, the lecturers, Moodle (the online learning platform) and more. This means that it’s easy to find any answers to questions that you may have. Don’t be afraid to ask anything! 

What I love about the city

There’s loads I love about Birmingham! Birmingham is amazing for shopping, so if you're looking for an outfit for a night out, the Bullring is definitely the best place to go! They also have loads of places to go for food and drinks – a favourite of mine is the Lost and Found. It’s a great place to have a day out with your friends that you'll meet when you start your course! 

My top tips for new student nurses

There are a few tips I have for new nurses starting the course. First thing, always be prepared for your lectures, it makes life so much easier when you know what the lecture is about and if you have the presentations with you. Another top tip is get comfortable shoes for placements as they’ll make the 12-hour shifts a bit more comfortable because you’ll do a lot of steps!

My uni essentials 

My iPad is my uni essential. Having this in lectures means that I’ve got all the presentations and handouts at my finger tips and I’m able to make the best notes that I can. Anyone can do this as you can borrow laptops from uni and you can use your OneDrive account to save all your work.