Advice from first year student, Jasmine Toynton

Hi, I'm Jasmine and I'm a BSc (Hons) Midwifery. Preparing to start uni is really exciting, but can be overwhelming too. I've shared my advice and tips to make your transition to uni life as smooth as possible and hopefully ease any anxieties you might have.

The best discovery I’ve made since starting the University

I would say the best discovery I’ve made is how supportive the University are whether it is the School Office, ASK desk, lecturers, IT or library staff, they’re all willing to help whenever you are struggling. I also didn’t know that the library can request journals you require for assignments which was extremely useful and at no additional cost.

The library also provides an immense range of books, magazines and journals that you can take out on loan as well as a range of online e-books and resources, which is particularly useful if you don’t live near campus.

My favourite thing about BCU

The SPACE room is a great practice space and resource tool where you can practice your skills following a lecture, before going out on placement or in preparation for exams. I have found this area extremely useful throughout my first year, allowing me to consolidate my learning. The lecturers are also extremely approachable and lovely, always willing to help whenever you are struggling or don’t understand something.

What I love about the city

What I love about Birmingham is how central you are to everything. I also love how there is always something to do, whether that’s concerts, sporting events, bars, restaurants, nightclubs or the cinema. I love how close everything is and the wide range of public transport available to get you to where you want to go. Digbeth Dining Club, just a short walk from Moor Street Station, provides an awesome range of street food and a friendly and sociable atmosphere, allowing a great time with friends and family so I would definitely recommend going there.

My top tips for new student midwives

My main tip would be to find a routine that suits you, one that allows you to remain organised with your studies but also have time to go out and enjoy yourself with your friends and family. Make the most of your time at the University and experience everything that it has to offer. First year will go extremely fast, but it is a great time to find your feet and make friends for life, supporting each other and enjoying new experiences together. I would also recommend investing in a good anatomy and physiology textbook to look over during the summer, which will also serve you well throughout the three years of your course. 

What I didn’t know before starting my course

I wasn’t prepared for the jump between academic writing levels. A more detailed analysis is required for university writing, with further progression throughout the years. Being a part of the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences (HELS) puts you at a great advantage, however, as you have a dedicated Academic Development Department (ADD) who are great at providing support with essay writing style and skills.

Another large part of the course is placement documents. You are provided with two booklets, containing skills and competencies you are required to achieve each year as well as a number of practice outcomes to be completed throughout the three years. It allows you to keep a record of your achievements, enabling your personal tutor, placement mentor and the University to know you are meeting the relevant competencies on your journey to become an amazing midwife.

My uni essentials

My laptop and memory stick have been a big part of my life this year as they enable me to save my assignments and presentations, also providing a back-up in case anything goes missing. The University Moodle page has also been extremely helpful this year as all of the lectures and resources linked to the lectures are uploaded onto it. This is especially helpful when it comes to background reading and preparing for exams as you can look back at lectures and correlate with notes made. My diary planner has also been necessary to help me keep organised with assignments, placement and lectures.