Advice from first year student, Sarah Kigozi

Hi, I'm Sarah and I'm just completed my first year on BSc (Hons) Learning Disability Nursing. Preparing to start uni is really exciting, but can be overwhelming too. I've shared my advice and tips to make your transition to uni life as smooth as possible and hopefully ease any anxieties you might have.

The best discovery I’ve made since starting the University

As a student who’s relocated to Birmingham, one of my best discoveries is that everyone is super friendly at BCU – so don’t feel shy to make friends and get involved. As a morning person, I always start my day with breakfast. I have discovered that the canteen serves a five-item breakfast for under £3. I’m also a bit of a bookworm and so I enjoy spending time in the library. The library has fantastic front-desk librarians who are so helpful, plus the IT Helpdesk is next door. You don’t even need to stress if your laptop plays up as you can get one on loan, as you would a library book. Like in the American movies, BCU also has lockers.

My favourite thing about BCU

The outdoor spaces and social spots across both campuses (City Centre and here at City South in Edgbaston) are brilliant. City South Campus has a beautiful hill, which is perfect for lazing around on during break and the City Centre Campus is adjacent to beautiful outdoor space called Eastside Park. I also appreciate the creativity and interaction incorporated into the lectures taught at BCU as well as the facilities for revision, such as SPACE, a clinical stimulation room. The numerous digital information screens around the campus are fantastic at keeping you in the loop of what’s happening.

What I love about the city

Like all big cities, there is always something going on in Birmingham. With five different universities in one city, Birmingham has a young professional vibe so it’s the best student city to try out new things: check out latest release at the cinemas; try out different cuisines; laugh out loud at comedy shows; attending amazing exhibitions and conferences; or just simply enjoy walks through the beautiful parks. Whatever you may be into, you will definitely find it in Birmingham.

My top tips for new student nurses

DO NOT STRESS! First year is an introduction year, a year to ease you into university life and academia. Use it as an opportunity to make friends, understand the basics, try out new things such as joining societies of interest, attend events put on by different departments, familiarise yourself with the University and the help services available. Most importantly, mingle with other students, have fun and make the most of it as it goes very quickly and, before you know it, you’re no longer the new kid on the block!

What I didn’t know before starting my course

As a mature student, I have already completed a previous degree and so I was broadly familiar with what to expect in regard to meeting Level 4 academic criteria. What I didn’t know however, is the wealth of additional opportunities offered at Birmingham City University. I’ve had the privilege of organising and attending conferences, working as a student ambassador, watching Lenny Henry (the University’s Chancellor) and classical performances at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire (most performances are free to students!) and much more. There is so much to get involved in while studying here so grab the opportunities with both hands! 

My uni essentials

I enjoy writing and so my essentials have been pretty notebooks with funny messages and great pens. There is a lot of note-taking so whether you prefer notebooks or laptops, just make sure you have a good note storing device. When constructing my assignments, portfolio, revision notes etc., I always save it on a memory stick as well as creating a folder on my laptop. Having a memory stick to store backup copies as well as emailing yourself assignments just in case your laptop gets a virus is a good idea. If fast note-taking may be difficult for you, recording the lecture (with permission) using an audio recorder might be a good idea. Finally, studying always makes me hungry! So I buy boxes to bring food in from home as well as a reusable cup to save some precious pennies on my endless coffee drinks!

It has been a pleasure writing this and I hope some of your questions have been answered as well as tips highlighted. You have made a fantastic choice choosing to study at BCU. Get involved, enjoy your new life as a student and always ask for help, whatever it may be. I look forward to meeting you on campus so don’t be shy to say hi. See you soon and enjoy the rest of your summer.