Rising to the Climate Crisis

Blog Article

Information regarding climate change

This guide, prepared by the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) and the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), is intended to help planners and politicians to tackle climate change and improve resilience. 

CATiD BCU has endorsed the document and contributed with drawings and images to demonstrate the importance of spatial context.


Although the current National Planning Policy Framework contains strong policy on climate change, delivery on the ground through local plans has been relatively poor. Local plans in England are not dealing with carbon dioxide emissions reduction effectively, nor are they consistently delivering the adaptation actions necessary to secure the long-term resilience of local communities.

The guide is not a government document, the approaches set out have been designed to support the policy outlined in the National Planning Policy Framework and online Planning Practice Guidance and in relevant law, including the 2008 Climate Change Act. It focuses on mitigation (particularly in relation to energy use and generation), adaptation, and resilience. The guide is a living document, partly because renewable energy and adaptation technologies are changing so fast, and partly because the planning system is under near-constant reform.


Dr Anastasia Nikologianni was amongst the contributors to this document representing the Landscape Institute and providing experience on topics related to climate change and spatial design.

Interested parties

Several institutions have supported and endorsed the guide such as the Landscape Institute, Epicuro, RHS and many more.

To find out more, please read the full guide.

Map of the National Park project

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