Ying Sun
Ying Sun is a doctoral researcher at Birmingham City University (BCU) and received a double Master's degree in Landscape Architecture Design from Nanjing University of the Art (China) and Birmingham City University (United Kingdom).
Funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) in conducting her doctoral research, Square Dancing in Contemporary Urban China, at Birmingham School of Art. Her research focuses on the timely and interdisciplinary phenomenon of square dancing, resulting in a new understanding and an assessing its significant role in contemporary urban culture.
This research employs a qualitative approach, and the primary data collected includes field notes from fieldwork in China, interviews with dancers, observation of square-dancing teams and relevant documentary research. Overall, it is understood that the phenomenon of square dancing has an ever-changing, dynamic path between top-down and bottom-up development; it is regulated by political ideology and cultural identity and thus affects people’s everyday lives.
During her doctoral studies, she worked as a studio assistant for the MA Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture and Design, Birmingham City University.