Economics of Distribution and Community

Blog Article


Researchers in this group examine a variety of distributive issues, such as the macroeconomics of income distribution, distribution of worktime, inequality in health and wellbeing, and regional disparities. The cluster is led by Erez Yerushalmi

Research topics:

  • Health economics and well-being
  • Gender, the household and Feminist economics
  • Environmental sustainability and ecology
  • Sustainable value creation
  • Agricultural economics and finance
Regional, Labour and Political Economy

We conduct a wide range of research, mainly focusing on: regional, labour and political economic issues. For example, analysis of labour productivity with a regional and industrial decomposition, and forecasted skills demand and supply in labour markets. Focusing on topics of political economy, the analysis of income distribution, and the political economy of working time.

We specialise in computable general equilibrium (CGE) models and econometric analysis focusing on regional models, developing economics, economic geography, international economics and trade, business and government relationship and management and employee relations.

Our aim is to contribute in the application of existing models, and develop new approaches and methodological advances. Research conducted within the cluster is both theoretical and empirical. The members of the cluster have a great variety of research and professional backgrounds.

We aspire to provide insight and practical applicable advice in a direction that is based on research evidence.

Research topics
  • Labour productivity, working hours and income distribution
  • Households and time use
  • Employee owned organisations
  • Labour economics for skills demand and supply
  • Management & Employee Relations
  • The political economy of income distribution
  • Political economy
  • Economic growth, trade and development
  • Economic geography
  • Business and government relationship
  • Regional computable general equilibrium (CGE) models
Staff members
Health and the Environment 

Our research focuses on a wide range of topics: In healthcare, we quantify the cost of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the cost of physical inactivity, the benefits of a malaria vaccine, and the private versus public healthcare systems. We furthermore undertake research that interlinks the environment and sustainability, for example, the finance gap for small and marginal farmers in India, and the social value of agricultural amenities. In addition, we focus on economics of tourism, gender, and the household. Our group members use diverse applied methods such as econometric tools, dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) modelling, and case studies analysis.

Research topics
  • Health economics and well-being
  • Gender, the household and Feminist economics
  • Environmental sustainability and ecology
  • Sustainable value creation
  • Agricultural economics and finance
Staff members