Dr Anthony Anderson
Anthony taught music in schools for 16 years, during which time he was a Head of Performing Arts. He is an accredited Advanced Skills Teacher and coach, and has worked as an Outstanding Facilitator with the National College for Teaching and Leadership. He is an experienced initial teacher educator having worked in schools as a subject mentor and lead mentor across a variety of subjects.
As a former chair of the Expert Subject Advisory Group for Music, Anthony has worked closely with many organisations on curriculum development. He was lead music consultant for BBC Bitesize for many years, and also completed work on music curriculum taxonomies for Channel 4 Learning and Discovery Education. He has served as an adviser to many music services across the country, including Leicestershire Schools Music Service and Services for Education in Birmingham. Anthony has written many published materials for teachers and is a member of the editorial board for the British Journal of Music Education.
Anthony completed his PhD on music curriculum design in secondary schools in 2019 and continues to be fascinated by all things curriculum. He is currently working at the University as Associate Professor in Music Education, contributing to a wide range of research into school and arts-based practices. He is a former Research Fellow at BCU. He supervises PhD, EdDoc and Masters students, as well as teaching on a wide range of university programmes, including secondary Music PGCE, and a variety of Masters education modules. He is currently the External Examiner for the international MEd Music Education programme at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance and is a former external examiner for secondary music QTS at the University of Reading.
Areas of Expertise
- Music education
- Music curriculum
- Curriculum in schools
- Creativity
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Community of Practice around Research Supervision (SEDA)
- PhD
- PG Cert in Research Practice
- BA (Hons)
- British Educational Research Association
- PGCE Secondary Music
- Masters in Education
- Masters dissertation supervision
- PhD supervision
- EdDoc supervision
Anthony has been an internal examiner for PhD and EdDoc students and has examined PhD and EdDocs at the University of Wales and University College, London. He is always interested to hear research proposals from those interested in doctoral study in the area of Music curriculum.
Anthony is currently the External Examiner for Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance's Teaching Musician MA programme. He was External Examiner for Secondary ITT Music at the University of Reading from 2018 - 2021.
- Curriculum and music curriculum
- Music Education
- Composing
- Primary and Secondary Music CPD
Postgraduate Supervision
Anthony currently supervises 7 doctoral students researching diverse aspects of classroom and instrumental music education.
Axtell, I. Anderson, A., MacGregor, E., Nenadic, E., Fautley, M. & Evans, N. (2024). Beowulf Opera Scenes: Classroom music pedagogy and knowledge when composing an opera with primary-school children. Research in Music Education 0(0) 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/1321103X241285560
Anderson, A. (2024) Teaching music unmusically: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on secondary school music curricula in England. The Curriculum Journal, 35(3) 470-488. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.236
Anderson, A. (2024) Curriculum power positioning in classroom music education: music curriculum design in the secondary music classroom in England Arts Education Policy Review, 125(2) 94-107 https://doi.org/10.1080/10632913.2021.202306
Anderson, A. (2022) The Swanwick/Tillman Spiral of Musical Development: impacts and influences - Guest Editorial. British Journal of Music Education, 39(1) 1-43. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051721000243
Boyce-Tillman, J. & Anderson, A. (2022) Musical development then and now: in conversation with June Boyce-Tillman. 39(1) 51-66. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051721000280
Anderson, A. (2021). Understanding curriculum design in the perceptions and practices of classroom music teachers in the lower secondary school in England. British Journal of Music Education, 1-12.https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051721000152
Anderson, A. (2021). Topic choices: Revealing concealed processes of curriculum sequencing in English secondary school Music classrooms. BERA The Curriculum Journal 32 (4), 722-740. https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.118
Anderson A and Barton-Wales S (2019). Musical culture and the primary school: an investigation into parental attitudes to Whole Class Ensemble Teaching in the English primary school and potential impacts on children’s musical progress. British Journal of Music Education 36 (3) 267–279. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0265051719000366
Evans, N., Fautley, M., Anderson, A., Kinsella-Hadjinestoros, V., & Nenadic, E. (2025). Listen Imagine Compose Primary: Research Findings Executive Summary. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
Anderson, A., Fautley, M., Kinsella-Hadjinestoros, V., MacGregor, E., & Nenadic, E. (2024). Listen Imagine Compose Primary Research Report 2024. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
Kinsella, V., Booth, N. & Anderson, A. (2024). Birmingham Arts School Evaluation: Final Report July 2024. Birmingham: Birmingham City University
Anderson, A., Fautley, M., Nenadic, E., & Kinsella-Hadjinestoros, V. (2024) Listen Imagine Compose Primary: Interim Report. Birmingham: Birmingham City University
Kinsella, V., Anderson, A., MacGregor, E. & Booth, N. Uprising! Project Report 2023. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
Anderson, A., Kinsella, V., MacGregor, E. & Booth, N. (2023) Birmingham Arts School Year 2 interim Report. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
Kinsella, V., Booth, N., Anderson, A. & Nenadic, E. (2022) Birmingham Arts School: Year 1 Theory of Change 2022. Birmingham: Birmingham City University
Kinsella, V., Anderson, A. & Booth, N. (2022) Uprising! Year 2 Interim Report 2022. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
Kinsella, V. & Anderson, A. (2022) Inspiring Sounds Birmingham Music Service Research Report 2022. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
Fautley, M., Anderson, A., Kinsella, V., Devaney, K., and Whittaker, A. (2021). Sound and Music Go Compose Project 2020: Research Report. Birmingham: Birmingham City University. Research report link
2019 Whittaker, A., Fautley, M., Kinsella, V. and Anderson, A. Geographical and social demographic trends of A-level music students. London: Royal College of Music. https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/7511/
PhD Thesis
2019: Happy accidents? Music teacher perceptions of curriculum design at Key Stage 3 in the English secondary school https://www.open-access.bcu.ac.uk/7306/
Publications – chapters in edited books
2024 - Why composing matters for disadvantaged young people. In Music and Meaning: European Perspectives on Music Education 12, edited by Maimberg, I. & Petrovic, M. Innsbruck: Helbling Publishing
2012 - ‘Developing Performing Opportunities’ chapter in Teaching Secondary Music edited by Price, J. and Savage, J. London: SAGE
2010 - ‘Students mentoring students: can it work in the classroom?’ chapter in Whose Music Education is it? (Ed. Finney Harrison) Matlock: National Association of Music Educators.
2009 - ‘Songs My Mentor Taught Me or Mentoring for Musical Development’ chapter in Sound Progress: Exploring musical development. (Ed. Lamont, Coll) Matlock: National Association of Music Educators.
Other articles and papers
2025 - Fautley, M. & Anderson, A. Making Progress? Music progression at Key Stage 3. Music Teacher Magazine April edition. London: Mark Allen Group
2024 - Anderson, A.(2024). Covid’s Long Tail. Music Teacher Magazine September edition. London: Mark Allen Group
2024 - Anderson, A., Whittaker, A. & Fautley, M. (2024). Bird’s eye view: What a recent DfE dataset tells us about music education in English Secondary Schools. Music Teacher Magazine September edition. London: Mark Allen Group.
2024 - Breaking down musical barriers and the National Plan for Music Education. Ensemble Magazine No. 123/Summer 2024. Kenilworth: Music Teachers' Association.
2023 - Music Curriculum Design for Special Education Schools: A beginner's guide. (Sellars, B. & Anderson, A.) Leicester: MEHEM Uprising! https://www.uprisingballoon.com/curriculum-development
2023 - Read all about it! Anthony Anderson interviews Chris Stevens, Ofsted subject advisor for music (1/11/23 edition) Music Teacher Magazine: London Mark Allen Group
2023 - Looking in on Birmingham Arts School: BEP Blog 18 May 2023
2023 - Whittaker, A. and Anderson, A. NPME House of Lords Debate: Raising questions for music educators. Music Teacher magazine (1/2/23 edition). London: Mark Allen Group.
2022 - Spirals and all that. CSPACE Blog 7 July 2022 https://www.bcu.ac.uk/education-and-social-work/research/cspace-blog/spirals-and-all-that
2022 - Why do teachers need to understand assessment theory? Principles of assessment course. Chartered College of Teachers. (Co-authored with Booth, N.)
2021 - Music teachers are curriculum designers. British Educational Research Association Blog. 16 Nov 2021. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/music-teachers-are-curriculum-designers
2021 - Music teachers and curriculum chess. Ensemble Magazine - Curriculum: resources for Music Teachers. No. 114/Summer 2021. Kenilworth: Music Teachers' Association.
2021 - Investigating Covid-19's impact on institutions: Birmingham City University news item.
2017 - Time to think. Music Teacher Vol. 95, no. 10 London: Rhinegold.
2012 - Curriculum off-roading. Music Teacher Vol. 91, no. 4. London: Rhinegold.
2012 - Assessment for Learning in GCSE Music. Music Teacher Vol. 91, no. 5 London: Rhinegold.
Published reviews
2013 - Book review: Careers in Music. Matlock: National Association of Music Educators.
Research Projects as Principal Investigator
2022, Birmingham School Music Survey. Investigating provision across primary, secondary and special schools in Birmingham. Services For Music Education funded.
2021, Uprising Curriculum. Developing a school curriculum in music for children with SEND. Funded by MEHEM.
2020, Curriculum models in school practices. Investigating the telescoping of Key Stage 3 into two years and its impact on music. Funded by Birmingham City University Pilot Project Fund.
Research Projects as Co-Investigator
2025, Uprising 360. Understanding the impacts of special educational needs music teaching in schools.
2024, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Shireland MAT partnership. Exploring impacts of an arts funded school on curriculum models.
2023, Birmingham Arts School. Researching BAS's strategy to enable equality of access for arts provision across schools in Birmingham.
2021, Uprising. Improving music activities to engage young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Funded by MEHEM.
2020, Listen Imagine Compose Primary. Investigating the impact of composing in the primary school. Paul Hamlyn Foundation funded.
2020, Assessment in music education. Exploring teachers approaches to music assessment in the UK and Singapore.
2020, Inspiring Sounds: Research into training for staff teaching music to young people with special educational needs.
2020, Whole Class Ensemble Tuition Assessment. Research into enabling whole class music tuition and its assessment in primary schools.
2020, Listen, Imagine, Compose Primary. Research into enabling composing in a primary school context.
2018 – 2020, Voices Foundation Singing Schools Project. An evaluation of a whole-school improvement strategy through music.
2018 - 2020, Go Compose. A study considering approaches to composing from disadvantaged groups.
Conference Papers, peer reviewed
2024, November - (Fautley, M., Kinsella-Hajinestoros, V., & Whittaker, A.) Music Mark Conference. Nottingham: East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham University.
2024, July - Keeping to the curriculum: How classroom music teachers conceptualise curriculum and what this means for curriculum design. CSPACE Conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2023, November - The place of policy to practice research to foster dynamism in music. (Anderson, A., Fautley, M. & Whittaker, A.) Music Mark, the UK Association for Music Education Conference. Southampton: Hilton Ageas Bowl.
2023, September - Policy to practice barriers to creativity in music teaching and learning in children and young people. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Conference. Birmingham: Aston University.
2023, July - Rhythm in curriculum and curriculum in rhythm: Music curriculum design in the Key Stage 3 classroom. CSPACE Conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2023, July - How singing changed the course of human history: An interactive workshop exploring joint music-making, rhythmic entrainment and social bonding. (McGregor, E., Davey-Nicklin, K., Fautley, M. Anderson, A. & Nenadic, E.) CSPACE Conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University
2023, April - The telescoping of the Key Stage 3 Curriculum in Schools: impacts on the music classroom in England. Research in Music Education Conference (RiME). Royal College of Music: London.
2023, April - (With Professor Daniel Johnson, University of North Carolina Wilmington). Can music teachers be trusted? A transatlantic comparison of political influences in music curriculum design. Research in Music Education Conference (RiME). Royal College of Music: London.
2023, April - Understanding music development in special schools in England: perspectives from specialist and generalist teachers. Research in Music Education Conference (RiME). Royal College of Music: London.
2022, July - Spirals in music education. CSPACE Conference. Birmingham City University, Birmingham.
2022, May - Has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted interpretations of musical meaning in classroom music education in England? EAS (European Association for Music in Schools). Faculty of Music University of Arts: Belgrade, Serbia.
2022, May - Go Compose! Research report on a programme for children and young people facing challenging circumstances. EAS (European Association for Music in Schools). Faculty of Music University of Arts: Belgrade, Serbia.
2021, July - Don’t stop the music: impacts of Covid-19 on classroom music education. An Unequal Impact? Covid-19 Research Conference. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2021, June - Pedagogies in a pandemic: impacts of Covid-19 on music in the secondary classroom. CSPACE (Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education). Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2021, March - Epistemic ascent in classroom pedagogies in English secondary music classrooms. RiME (International Research in Music Education). London: Royal College of Music.
2021, March - Doing music in the classroom: how activity theory can reveal hidden dynamics of curriculum design. EAS (European Association for Music in Schools). University of Education and University of Music: Freiburg, Germany.
2020, June - Tacit notions of inclusivity for music curriculum design in English classroom contexts. EAS (European Association for Music in Schools). Padova University: Italy. Paper accepted, but conference did not take place due to COVID-19.
2019, July - Frankenstein curricula at Key Stage 3 in the English Secondary School. CSPACE (Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education). Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2019, April - Happy Accidents? Music teacher perceptions of curriculum design at Key Stage 3 in the English Secondary School. RIME (International Research in Music Education). Bath Spa University.
2018, July - Music in the secondary school classroom: developing methodologies to acknowledge tacit teacher practices in curriculum design. CSPACE (Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education). Birmingham City University.
2017, July - What factors influence teacher planning of the KS3 Music curriculum in high schools in England and how do teachers sequence musical knowledge for musical understanding? Poster presentation. CSPACE (Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education). Birmingham City University.
2017, April - In what ways do music teachers plan the sequencing of musical knowledge for musical learning in the lower secondary school in England and why do they make these choices? RIME (International Research in Music Education). Bath Spa University.
2017, April - In what ways do music teachers plan the sequencing of musical knowledge for musical learning in the lower secondary school in England and why do they make these choices? ISAME (International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education), Birmingham City University.
2024, October Curriculum Design: Courage or camouflage? London: Curriculum Music: Access and Impact Conference. Music Teacher Magazine.
2024, February Breaking down barriers to music making and creating in schools: A research view. (Anderson, A. & Fautley, M.). London: Music Expo
2023, January Thinking about curriculum and assessment in music. Lincolnshire Music Service. (Anderson, A. & Fautley, M.) Sleaford: Staff Training Day
2019, June Music curriculum: By design or benign? Music Summit. North West Midlands Music Hub: Keele University
Papers and research presentations by invitation
2025, February Changing Tracks: Does Key Stage 3 curriculum matter at Key Stage 4? Services For Education Music Educators Conference, Midlands Arts Centre, Birmingham.
2025, February Listen Imagine Compose Primary Research Findings Executive Summary. Birmingham. Listen Imagine Compose Conference, CBSO Centre.
2024, June Cross-examining Music Curriculum: Meaning, design and discussion. Leicester: Leicestershire Music Educators Conference. Leicestershire Music
2024, June Thinking about musical development in instrumental teaching contexts. Birmingham: King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys Instrumental Teachers Training Day
2024, May Our Music Assessment Beliefs: A collaborative study between Birmingham City University (UK) and the Ministry of Education (Singapore). Online Teach-meet Seminar
2024, May Breaking down musical barriers and the National Plan for Music Education 2. Caversham: Music Teachers Association Conference
2024, March Music Provision in Birmingham Secondary Schools. Birmingham: Birmingham Music Education Partnership
2024, February How do you do curriculum? Thinking together about Key Stage 3 music curriculum design practices. Wolverhampton: Wolverhampton Music Service Teacher Conference
2024, February Comparing Notes: Perceptions and practicalities of Key Stage 3 music curriculum design. Birmingham: Birmingham Music Education Conference
2024, February A guide to writing a school music development plan and using the self-evaluation toolkit. Birmingham: Birmingham Music Education Conference
2024, January Secondary Schools Survey: A snapshot. Birmingham: Services For Education Music Service
2023, December Birmingham Arts School Year 2 Interim Findings (Kinsella-Hadjnestoros, V. & Anderson, A.) BAS Strategic Advisory Group. Birmingham: Rep Theatre.
2023, November CBSO Shireland Academy Research (Whittaker, A. & Anderson, A.) Staff training. Wolverhampton: CBSO Shireland Academy.
2023, October Uprising! Research Analysis (Kinsella, V. & Anderson, A.) Music Education Hubs East Midlands. Leicester: Leicestershire Music.
2023, October Life as an Early Career Researcher: Knitting your own job and planning ahead as an ECR. Early Career Researcher Network. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2023, July Beautiful curriculum: A vision for music education. Future Forward Enabling NextGen Conference. Warwick: Warwick Schools Foundation.
2023, April Has the Covid-19 pandemic changed music in English schools forever? Early Career Research Network. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2023, March Thinking about Key Stage 3 music curricula: substance and sequencing. Encore Music Service: Hereford.
2023, February Teach Meet Share - presentations from Birmingham colleagues covering a new music curriculum initiative/teaching strategy in school. (Chaired by Anderson, A). Birmingham: Birmingham Music Educators Conference, Services for Education.
2023, February Key Policy Updates including NPME2, MMC and Ofsted Research Review. (Fautley, M. & Anderson, A.) Birmingham: Birmingham Music Educators Conference, Services For Education.
2023, February Why music curriculum really matters. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. Birmingham: Seminar.
2023, January Thinking about curriculum and assessment in music. Lincolnshire Music Service. Sleaford: Staff Training Day.
2022, November Curriculum Conundrums: Concepts and challenges for Key Stage 3 Music. Kent Music. Maidstone: The Kent Music Conference 2022.
2022, September Embodied Learning in Composing. Listen, Imagine, Compose Steering Group. Birmingham: Birmingham Contemporary Music Group.
2022, July The place of doctoral research in music education: Birmingham Music Education Research Group. Pre-doc Summer School. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2022, June Our music assessment beliefs. Birmingham City University with Ministry of Education, Singapore.
2022, June What have we learned about children as composers? Listen Imagine Compose Primary Seminar Day. Birmingham: City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Centre
2022, April A response to the Model Music Curriculum. Birmingham Music Teachers’ Conference. Birmingham: Services for Education.
2022, April Round Table Discussion: Issues facing music teachers (Chair). Birmingham Music Teachers’ Conference. Birmingham: Services for Education.
2022, April What is curriculum? Curriculum Design in Special Ed Schools. East Midlands: Uprising Research Project
2022, March Away Day. Loughborough: Uprising Research Project
2021, June Challenging curricula: issues and ideas for Key Stage 3 Music. Birmingham Music Teachers' Conference. Birmingham: Services for Education.
2021, March Research starting points in Music education. Uprising Project Partners Forum. Music Education Hubs East Midlands.
2021, February Curriculum models in school practices. Pilot Project Symposium. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2020, November Wrestling the leviathan: managing the monster of literature review. Post Graduate Researcher Thesis Coaching. Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education forum. Birmingham City University: Birmingham.
2020, September Developing understanding in curriculum design in the secondary music classroom. Leicestershire School Music Service Executive Group. Leicestershire: Leicestershire County Council.
2020, September Enabling students to represent complex ideas in pictorial form. PhD Supervisors Community of Practice. Birmingham: Birmingham City University.
2020, August What is musical learning? London: London Music Masters
2020, May Thinking in pictures: finding patterns in your data and conceptualising themes in pictures and diagrams. Post Graduate Researcher Thesis Coaching. Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education forum. Birmingham City University: Birmingham.
2020, April Who am I again? Pursuing a part-time doctorate or at a later stage in your career. Post Graduate Researcher Thesis Coaching. Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education forum. Birmingham City University: Birmingham.
2020, March Research dream: rethinking curriculum through a post-doctoral lens. Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education forum. Birmingham City University: Birmingham.
2020, March Five reasons why music curriculum design is harder than you think. Public seminar at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire: Birmingham.
2020, February Key Stage 3 curriculum design and subject leadership. Birmingham Primary and Secondary Music Education Conference: Birmingham.
2020, January Curriculum design: challenges or choices? Leicestershire Music Educators Conference: Woodhouse, Leicestershire
2020, January Curriculum making. Solihull Music Hub Teacher Network. Park Hall Academy: Castle Bromwich.
2019, November Music curriculum: perspectives and pathways. Wolverhampton Music Service. Wolverhampton: West Midlands.
2019, September What is musical learning? London Music Masters. King’s Place: London.
2019, June - Music curriculum: by design or benign? Music Summit, North West Midlands Music Hub, Keele University.
2019, June - Composing and progress in classroom music during Key Stage 3. Kent Music, East Malling: Kent.
2019, May - Music hub governance: an analysis. Leicestershire Schools Music Service Executive Sub-committee: Leicester.
2019, April - Building a curriculum: perspectives from music education. Seminar. Centre for the Study of Practice and Culture in Education: Birmingham City University.
2019, February - What you need to know about research. Music Educators Conference, Leicestershire Schools Music Service: Leicester.
2019, January - Music teacher resilience. Music Educators Conference, Services for Education: Birmingham.
2018, March - Music as education. Westminster Education Forum, London.
2017, November - Music GCSE comparisons. GCSE Music conference, Leicestershire Schools Music Service, Leicestershire.
2017, October - In what ways do music teachers plan the sequencing of musical knowledge for musical learning at Key Stage 3 and why do they make these choices? Erasmus presentation, Birmingham City University.
2017, June - Curriculum design: is it important in a musical classroom? Fairfax Academy Trust music subject leaders day, Sutton Coldfield.
2017, June - Curriculum design: messy or method? Services for Education curriculum design day, Birmingham.
2017, March - Thinking about progress in GCSE Music. Sefton Music Service, Sefton.
2016, November - GCSE Music: an analysis of the changes. GCSE Music teachers conference, Leicestershire Schools Music Service, Leicester.
2015, November - Curriculum planning for musical learning: an impossible dream? ;Music teachers conference, Leicestershire Music teachers conference, Woodhouse, Leicestershire.
2015, January - The Key Stage 3 curriculum: planning and sequencing for musical learning. Solihull Music Service, Solihull.
2013, February - Creative music teaching at Key Stage 4 and 5. Music teachers conference, Leicestershire Schools Music Service, Woodhouse.
2012, September - Creating an inclusive school concert. National Association of Music Educators Conference, Stone.
Media Work
- 2024, October - Music Teachers' Association Podcast interview with Patrick Johns Episode 107
- 2023, August - The Music Education Podcast interview with Chris Woods. Episode 59.
- 2023, April - Music Teachers’ Association Podcast interview with Patrick Johns. Episode 76.
Links and Social Media
- Twitter profile