Blog Article

Birmingham Art School (BAS) connects schools and arts organisations - including music , dance, theatre and visual arts companies, venues and individual practitioners - across Birmingham (UK).
- Dr Victoria Kinsella-Hadjinestoros (PI)
- Dr Anthony Anderson (Acting PI)
- Professor Martin Fautley
- Nikki Booth
- Emma Nenadic
Research background
It works strategically with teachers, headteachers, artists and arts organisations - to reduce inequalities for children and young people by engaging schools all over Birmingham with high quality arts education opportunities. Through “The Hub”, a one stop online portal, training opportunities for teachers and artists and regular partnership events BAS seeks to ensure that arts organisations continue to meet curriculum needs whilst encouraging schools to access the world class offer provided by the City’s arts organisations.
As project evaluators, we are working with Birmingham Arts School exploring equality of access to the arts in schools across Birmingham. We hope to better understand the issues for schools and cultural organisations and to help to embed change, as schools and organisations work together, overcoming barriers and enabling greater access to arts provision in underserved geographical areas of Birmingham.
Research methods
Research will take the form of evaluative activities, seeking to contribute to the understanding of Birmingham Arts School. This will include stakeholder interviews, surveys and contributions to events as the enriching vision for Birmingham Arts School continues to develop.