Blog Article

- Emma Nenadic (PI)
- Nikki Booth
- Dr Elizabeth MacGregor
Research background
The OHMI Music-Makers WCET Programme led by The OHMI Trust and funded by Arts Council England, has been active since 2020. Music-Makers aims to offer parity of access to whole class ensemble tuition (WCET) for pupils with additional needs in mainstream primary schools. Through partnership with Music Hub organisations including Nottingham Music Service, Northamptonshire Performing Arts Trust and Services for Education Birmingham Music Service, the needs of children who were taking part in WCET in the following academic year were assessed. Where necessary, OHMI then provide accessible instruments, enabling equipment, staff training, and other interventions in time for when WCET classes begin.
BCU have evaluated three iterations of IAMM, which relate to WCET activity in 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24. The evaluations focused on:
- the lived experiences of Music-Makers participants; and
- the effectiveness of the overall Music-Makers programme of support with regards to improving parity of access to music-making in WCET classes.
Research methods
The evaluation employed a mixed methodology including surveys, observations and interviews to explore perspectives from key OHMI Music-Makers partners, including The OHMI Trust, MEH Leads, music teachers, school teachers and young people.
Evaluation reports
Our OHMI Music-Makers evaluation reports can be accessed here:
Independent Evaluation 2021/22