Experimental stability and agglomeration analysis of different nanofluids

Blog Article

Nanofluids for heat transfer project

Reducing heat-stress and increasing heat dissipation in is a key challenge in industries and processes, from micro/nano electronic mechanical systems to nuclear reactors. Utilising nano-fluid to transfer heat is a possible answer to this challenge, but these nano-fluids need to be more stable in order to remain effective. BCU researchers are testing and preparing nano fluids under a variety of conditions in order to increase fluid stability. 


Research background 

With advances in nanotechnology, nanofluids have gained significant attention as a viable heat transfer fluid to enhance heat dissipation in various industrial applications. It has been identified that one of the factors influencing the heat transfer rate is the long term stability of the nanofluids. Thermal conductivity enhancement of the nanofluid is closely associated with the stability of the nanofluid. The key contributor influencing the stability of the nanofluid is the agglomeration of the nanoparticles due to the Van der Waals phenomenon. There is a developed understanding within the academic community that agglomeration reduces the thermal conductivity effect of the nanofluid.

Research aims 

To gain a better understand of the effects of the ultrasonication and homogenisation processes during the nanofluid preparation stage on the development of agglomeration in the nanofluid.  

Research methods 

The research was carried out using a selection of nanofluids of predetermined volume concentrations, a digital ultrasonic bath (ultrasonication) and magnetic stirrer (homogenisation).


This is an ongoing research project. The work is now focused on preparing the nanofluids by ultrasonicating it using the digital ultrasonic bath and gathering a set of samples for observation. Once this has been completed the same will be conducted to homogenise the nanofluids with the magnetic stirrer and a set of samples for observation will be collected.  Following this a further set of nanofluid samples will be collected for observation after it has been subjected to both the ultrasonication and homogenisation processes.