PhD blog

Studying a PhD can be fascinating, challenging, lonely, exciting and rewarding...sometimes all in one day. Our postgraduate researchers offer a glimpse into their research while providing valuable advice on future career options, balancing studies with work and social life, and the PhD process.

Starting your PhD - a researcher's diary

Live Page options   When it comes to  starting your PhD , you will no doubt be going through a whirlwind of emotions. To help you settle in, researcher  Alan Taman  recalls beginning his own  PhD journey .

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10 tips for working from home during your research degree

With the UK seeing an increase in remote working since Covid-19, you may find yourself working in your living room as w...

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Advice from our student reps

Student reps are here to make your learning journey as enjoyable, engaging and easy as possible. Three of our student ...

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Examining the Sans Serif typeface

David Osbaldestin is assessing the culture and heritage of the Sans Serif typeface.

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Being part of a research community

There was only place Emma Nenadic was ever going to study her music education PhD - BCU.

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Developing your PhD research question

PhD student Alan Taman discusses the challenges of developing your research question and explains why it's important t...

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5 best free productivity apps for research students

Take control of your studies with five of the best free productivity apps for research students.

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Creating an independent research strategy

The PhD is a chance for you to make your own journey, one with many exciting and unpredictable paths.

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Why a part-time PhD could be right for you

Postgraduate researcher  Alan Dolhasz  discusses the benefits of doing a part-time PhD.

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Mental health support for research students

A research degree can be challenging and your mental health can take a toll, but there is support out there.

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Five top tips to pass your PhD viva

Kirsty Devaney , who successfully completed her  doctorate , provides five pieces of advice on passing the PhD viva...

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Should I get a job or do a PhD?

Sometimes the path to a PhD can be unexpected. For Hannah Harvey, the initial decision to become a clinician changed w...

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Studying your PhD abroad

Three of our international PhD students discuss the benefits of studying your PhD abroad, from embracing a new culture ...

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Things I wished I'd known when starting my PhD

If you’re about to begin your PhD studies, you may be feeling a little apprehensive about what lies ahead. To help you...

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Making the leap from full-time work to full-time PhD study

Jacqueline enjoyed undertaking research projects and discovering new information, and the idea of embarking on a PhD w...

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Five reasons why academic conferences are essential

Academic conferences are an important part of the PhD journey. However, they can also seem overwhelming. Here are five ...

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Five tips for writing your PhD thesis

A PhD is a unique experience, filled with exciting and unpredictable challenges. One of the most noteworthy is the PhD...

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The Brilliant way to gain teaching experience during your PhD

The Brilliant Club Scholars programme gave Rudolph the chance to gain invaluable teaching experience. 

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Diary of a self-isolating PhD student

Can't get into a good routine? Too stressed to work? PhD student Andreea Blaga gives us an insight into her day-to-day ...

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Evaluating psychological therapy for minority groups

Afsana's research journey began by finding the perfect project through the STEAM scholarship programme. Now, she hopes ...

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The PhD student podcasts you need to listen to

We’ve put together six essential, inspirational podcasts that every PhD student should tune into.

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Choosing your PhD supervisor

Whether you’ve settled upon a particular topic of research or are still tinkering with a few ideas, it’s vital to know...

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10 things you should do early in your research degree

As a first-year research student, you will be entering the unknown. However, we’ve compiled ten essential things you s...

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Keeping in touch with the research community

Starting a research degree during such an unpredictable time may feel daunting, but to help, we’ve compiled a few hand...

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What transferable skills does a research degree give you?

A research degree can provide you with the kind of transferable skills many industries seek. Alan Dolhasz, Researc...

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Why academic conferences are essential

Academic conferences may seem daunting, but they are a vital part of any research degree. Federica Mirra , po...

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Life after a PhD

Life after a PhD can be overwhelming, from seeking a full-time job to returning to a normal routine. Dr Karen Patel...

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Five tips on becoming a more productive writer

PhD student Michael Lane offers five valuable tips on becoming a more productive writer during your doctoral research,...

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How researchers can go green

Thinking about going green ? Neva Mowl, from BCU’s Environmental Team, provides some useful sustainable tips and he...

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How to look after your mental health during your PhD

Emily Arthur , Wellbeing Casework Coordinator at Birmingham City University, spoke to us about some of the issues doc...

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PhD student and prize-winning poet discusses new poetry collection

We spoke to prize-winning poet, Sarah Doyle, about her new release and how her research influences her writing.

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The benefits of writing sessions

Sally Bailey, PhD student rep and researcher at Birmingham School of Art, discusses the benefits of regular wri...

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How Covid-19 radically altered my PhD study

Alan Taman discusses how the effects of Covid-19 have made a drastic difference to his PhD study.

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The benefits of being a graduate research teaching assistant

A graduate research teaching assistant (GRTA) position offers postgraduate researchers the chance to grow their skills...

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Achieving Your Doctorate While Employed in HE

Completing your doctorate is hard enough without the added pressures of working in higher education. 

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PGR profile of the month – Liam Miles

In this edition, we speak to doctoral researcher Liam Miles about his project exploring youth engagement in community ...

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Top Tips from PhD Graduates

Taking the plunge to study a PhD is a huge achievement, and a step closer to getting your unique research out into the...

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