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The recently refurbished Postgraduate Research (PGR) Hub at City South Campus was officially reopened for doctoral students in a celebratory launch event in October.
The updated space includes hot desks and accessible/standing desks in fully networked workstations, meeting rooms, pods, and collaboration spaces – which can all be booked online.
It also has lockers and a kitchenette for PGR students to fuel up and make hot drinks.
The décor has been carefully curated to give a sense of calm and belonging.
Doctoral students can use the updated space to study and socialise with their colleagues in the postgraduate research community.
Vice-Chancellor Professor David Mba opened the postgraduate research centre by speaking to the community spirit of the space.
He said: "A dedicated postgraduate research space is more than just a place to work. It's a vibrant community where ideas are nurtured, connections are forged, and the future of research is shaped.
“It’s a support network that fosters wellbeing, fuels collaboration, and cultivates the skills needed to become the next generation of researchers driving new discoveries.”
Pro Vice Chancellor Research Professor Maxine Lintern said: “It’s extremely important that our doctoral researchers have a strong network around them – to support and challenge their thinking, inspire them, and celebrate their success.
“Research doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Curiosity, community, and culture are key.
“For our PGR students, right at the beginning of their research careers, it’s essential to establish those links into the community from day one.
“Our refurbished PGR Hub at City South will help create a physical environment that is conducive to supporting that important feeling of community and wellbeing.”
Professor Lintern added: “Our postgraduate research students are the professors of the future.
“This will give them a great place to work, to study, and communicate with their peers to build those all-important relationships that will set them up for success.
“I’m so excited that the Hub is now ready for our doctoral students to make their own, and I look forward to seeing them making the most of the space.”
The PGR Hub at City South is located in room SCT237 in the Seacole Building.
The opening hours for the PGR Hub are the same as the Seacole Building.