UOA 3: Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy

REF Highlights 2021

Our research

100% of impact was judged outstanding or very considerable in terms of reach and significance.

Our outputs

80% of outputs were judged world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour.

Our performance

These very strong results improved our ranking by overall research quality by 28 places.

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Our REF submission

Between REF 2014 and REF 2021, we saw substantial growth in the scale of our research activity and increased the number of staff submitted for assessment by one third, more than doubled the number of PhDs awarded and increased our research grant income capture by 90%.

Our submission to this unit of assessment featured 19 people, 41 outputs and two impact case studies:

This area of our work also saw 23 doctoral awards and £1.9m research income during the REF 2021 period.

Our research

Health research sits in the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences (HELS). HELS comprises three Schools – Nursing and Midwifery, Health Sciences, and Education and Social Work. There are two research centres that fed into our REF submission:

  • Centre for Social Care, Health and Related Research
    A community of health and social care professionals, scholars and students who work together to identify, examine, and implement evidence-based, high-quality health and social care. Research is conducted in three research clusters: person-centred ageing; knowledge to care; and gender, family, and health.
  • Centre for Life and Sports Science
    This centre is dedicated to interdisciplinary research between life sciences, biomedicine, sport physiology, psychology, and performance. Research is conducted in three research clusters: life sciences for health and disease; interdisciplinary research for healthcare technology and diseases; and sport science for health and disease.

Our results in detail

Figures relate to the percentage of the submission meeting each standard:

Overall 26 47 24 2.95
Outputs 22 58.5 17.1 2.98
Impact 50 50 0 3.50
Environment 0 0 87.5

See our full results on the REF 2021 website.