Boris - Financing the Future
Boris Bartenev
Analytics Team Lead at 3S Money
BSc (Hons) Economics*
The wealth of career options available to economics graduates appealed to Boris. His disciplined and determined mindset helped him succeed on his course, progress in his career and lead his own team.
"From an early age, I wanted to study a subject at university that would offer a variety of career options. The career prospects following an economics course appealed to me, there are so many types of jobs and sectors you can work for with an economics background.
I began looking at universities and BCU was an instant favourite as it was clear that the course, and the various opportunities available, were designed to prepare me for a career. Plus, I've always been massively into sports and had previously wanted to become a professional athlete, so I was looking forward to joining BCU's basketball team and competing. As an athlete, I'm naturally disciplined and I've always applied this to my studies, which has since allowed me to progress and build a successful career.
The course content gave me a deep understanding of the subject and I enjoyed all of my modules. My course provided both strong theoretical and practical knowledge, which can be used and applied in real-life scenarios. I particularly remember the personal tax course, which has proved very useful for personal finance management as well as for my job. The course allowed me to explore the different areas of the finance world and find my passion for data analytics.
My career began as an entry level Data Analyst, and I quickly progressed. After two years, I was made Senior Project Manager, I coordinated automation projects and managed the data and accounting function for a department within the business.
I then joined 3S Money, where I still work now. I worked my way up from BI Developer to Analytics Team Lead. My journey involved learning the ins and outs of the data and business operations, whilst creating a solid internal network with all core departments and individuals.
Now, as an Analytics Team Lead at 3S Money, my role is to lead the Revenue Operations Department, managing a team of finance professionals. Becoming a leader was a huge step up. At times, I doubted my ability to manage a team and lead on key decisions, but I've grown into my role and become a great leader. It's been a highlight of my career to mentor others and watch them grow.
BCU didn't only teach me the knowledge I needed to progress to my current role, but I also developed the confidence and independence needed to lead a team. I've never doubted my decision to pursue Economics as the opportunities really are endless, especially with emerging financial technologies developing all the time."
*This course was previously named Economics and Finance.