Head Start course
If you’re about to start your degree and would like to learn more about academic writing rules, improve your maths skills, sharpen your study skills and practise presentations, our Head Start courses in Maths and English may be just what you need.
They are organised by the University's Centre for Academic Success and will help you prepare for your degree and get the most out of your time here.
Course timetable
The course timetable includes sessions planned for each morning and afternoon, and can be found by visiting the Head Start course page.
Taking the Head Start courses before you begin your degree will give you the maximum benefit from it. Many students who wait until their second or even third year before taking the course say they wish they’d got the help and information from the Centre for Academic Success earlier. Research on a similar course at UCLAN found that: "Many of the students who come in … gain better grades and engage far more with the university as a whole."
Apply now
To attend simply visit the Head Start course page.