Val Sylvester
Val has been working with Birmingham City University since 1995. She is currently a Senior Lecturer/Deputy Director of the BSc (Hons) Social Work programme and Programme Director for the Postgraduate Social Work Practice Educator training programme. Previous experience:
Shelter National Organisation (1977-81)
Val worked as a housing Advice Worker-undertaking complex work with vulnerable homeless people. This entailed working in a multifaceted approach with a diverse range of organisation.
Research Associate (University of Birmingham) (1984-1985)
She later spent one year working as a Research Associate undertaking research with women within the West Midlands.
Senior Social Worker (Birmingham City Council ) (1985-1992)
She was involved with a diverse range of social work settings undertaking complex leadership activities.
Manager; Co-ordinator West Midlands Practice Development Centre;(CCETSW Project) (1999-1995)
Val worked at the West Midlands Practice Development Centre. The functions of the project involved;
The development of Practice Learning Opportunities within the Black Voluntary Sector
Providing practice placement learning opportunities to Social Work Students attending Universities at Local and National levels. Being a centre of excellence for practice education.
Consultant and Trainer-Practice Education. This entailed undertaking training and consultancy with a range of agencies, including Universities.