The Role of Academic and Research Libraries as Active Participants and Leaders in the Production of Scholarly Research

RLUK (Research Libraries UK) in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)

RLUK in partnership with the Arts and Humanities Research Council wished to undertake a holistic examination of the role of academic and research libraries and their staff as partners in, and leaders of scholarly research.

The project report provides a detailed overview of the current role of academic and research libraries as partners and leaders of research, their potential to enhance these roles, and the barriers they might face in doing so. Based on responses from a survey, focus groups and interviews, a number of recommendations were produced. 


View The Role of Academic and Research Libraries as Active Participants and Leaders in the Production of Scholarly Research Report:

The role of academic and research libraries as active participants and leaders in the production of scholarly research - Research Libraries UK (


The project enhanced the understanding of the role that academic library staff can play in the research process and how challenges to engagement might be overcome.

The project directly resulted in the development of the AHRC-RLUK Professional Practice Fellowship Scheme for academic and research libraries:

AHRC-RLUK Professional Practice Fellowship Scheme for academic and research libraries