Services for staff

Services and support for staff

Academic Staff Guide

An academic library service has an integral part to play in a positive student experience. If you are a new or existing member of staff we aim to show you how Library and Learning Resources can help your students achieve their full potential. We also offer a full range of resources to support your academic research.

Librarians will attend a range of departmental and staff and student meetings to discuss library matters with students and academic staff - we always welcome your feedback.

 Library Engagement Team

We engage with academic staff, as well as students and the wider university community to inform the development of our service.

  • Our Library Business Partners, Student Experience Officer, and Research Engagement Librarian attend a range of student and staff meetings, and use rich management information and data to inform conversations and advocate for the role of L&LR in all aspects of learning, teaching, and research.
  • We also engage with the world beyond BCU, co-ordinating our civic outreach work with schools, colleges, and other partners.

Learning and Teaching Team

We have oversight of the library and information skills required by students, researchers, academics, and wider partners, e.g. schools and FE, and work with academics and students to deliver these essential skills through:

  • Tutorials/sessions with students and staff offering support on using library materials (print and electronic) and developing search strategies so that library users can get the most from our resources.
  • Non-course specific workshop sessions for students, highlighting key resources and explaining how to develop search strategies to ensure that students get the information they need for their research and assignments.
  • Timetabled in-class/online library induction sessions for new students; and library and information skills teaching sessions embedded into the curricular for each year group. These sessions introduce library services; and develop knowledge in identifying and searching the relevant subject-related print and electronic resources.


 Library Experience Team

We are the front line team who:

  • Offer virtual and in-person enquiry support for all subjects and levels.
  • Promote the library during open days and welcome events.
  • Run monthly drop-in sessions on specific topics.
  • Provide a 24/7 chat service for you and your students on all aspects of library services and subject support, including referencing.
  • Manage the library physical environment.

 Content and Open Research Team

We have ownership of the full content lifecycle of our collection, in both print and electronic formats, as well as the strategy that underpins our collections, curation and management of learning and research materials. We can help with:

 Cultural Collections and Archives

We look after the university's special collections and archives. We work closely with academic colleagues on research, enhancing teaching using collections, and on funding bids.

 Library Technologies and Digital Innovation

We take ownership of all library systems to support service delivery. We manage metadata and standards to underpin discoverability of library resources, and co-ordinate digital user experience research and data across the library service to interrogate our impact. We support development of our online learning materials in terms of platform and technologies, and work closely with other library teams to deliver online learning. We keep up with new technological developments.

Contacting your subject librarians

You can find the librarians for each course listed on each subject guide.

Subject Guides

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