Book a library tutorial
With access to millions of resources, sometimes the library can seem like an intimidating place. Learning and Teaching Librarians are here to help you discover our Library resources by providing in-depth Library guidance and support in your chosen subject area.
Please note that support for referencing or academic writing is provided by our colleagues in the Centre for Academic Success or the Academic Development Department.
Tutorials are available for all BCU students or staff. Start by selecting your faculty:
Booking FAQs
Who can book a Library Tutorial?
Any member of BCU can book a Library tutorial including students and staff. Tutorials are delivered by our Learning and Teaching Librarians who can help you to discover the resources available to you, including finding, navigating, and accessing our resources.
If you are a member of academic staff or are studying for a PhD, you might also find our Services for Researchers Guide and Services for Staff Guide helpful as they can provide you with further Library services available to you.
In which room are face-to-face library tutorials taking place?
The location can vary. You will receive the instructions to access the tutorial in the booking confirmation email.
How do I join an online library tutorial?
Look for the MS Teams link in the booking confirmation email. You will find help about MS Team on the IT iCity page.
How many people can attend a library tutorial?
Appointment slots include between 1 and 3 people depending on the room capacity. Check the booking form for more information or Contact the librarian supporting your faculty if you would like to book a session for a larger group or if there are no more slots available.
Can I attend online after I booked a face-to-face library tutorial?
Tutorials are either offered face-to-face OR online, not both ways. This is to allow our Librarians to prepare for your tutorial. If you need to change your tutorial, please cancel your face-to-face appointment and book an online tutorial instead.
Librarians try their best to make sure there are plenty of options available for you. If in doubt, please contact the Librarian supporting your subject area.
How do I cancel my booking?
If you are unable to attend, please cancel your appointment in advance via your booking confirmation email.
No more tutorial slots?
In case all the tutorial slots are booked up, contact the librarian supporting your faculty or try these library support resources:
24/7 Virtual Enquiry Service
You’ll find our live chat service on the library help page, where you can speak to a librarian at any time – 24/7, 365 days a year. You’ll also find answers to our frequently asked questions.
Drop-in sessions
Drop-in subject support with a librarian is available at both Curzon and Mary Seacole Libraries, Monday-Friday 10am-4pm (subject to availability).
Workshops and Open Sessions
The librarians also provide workshops and open sessions on a range of topics designed to help you make the most of our resources.
Have a look at the library events calendar for more information and booking (if applicable).
I would encourage all students struggling with searching for information for their assignments or research to book a tutorial.
Student, 2020.
Contact and feedback
We'd love to hear from you, whether you want to ask a question or report an issue.
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Emergency situations
In case of an emergency, including when a First Aider is needed, contact Security from your mobile:
0121 331 6969
... or desk phone extension: