Services for Researchers
Whether you are an experienced researcher writing a PhD or someone who is just starting out writing their first dissertation, Library and Learning Resources can provide expert advice in making the most out of our extensive range of resources.
Research Support
Library and Learning Resources have developed an online guide aimed at supporting researchers. The guide provides links to useful internal and external contacts, along with suggesting resources and services which may help along the research journey.
Research Workshops
Aimed at research staff and students, Learning and Teaching librarians will frequently organise sessions. Previous workshops have covered topics such as:
- Embracing Open Access
- Copyright for Researchers
- Managing your Literature Search
The latest workshops in the series for researchers are being held online through Microsoft Teams. For full details and to book your place, please visit our Moodle site.
Centre for Academic Success
Based on the ground floor of Curzon Building providing workshops, one-to-one and small group tutorials and online resources on subjects including:
- Academic writing
- Dissertations
- Referencing
- Statistics
Find out more by visiting their iCity page.
Academic Development Department
Based at City South, the Academic Development Department is here to help you make the most of your academic skills during your time at University. The department is staffed by tutors who have a range of skills and experience in education and practice who are perfectly placed to understand your concerns and answer your questions by email, over the phone or face-to-face. The team are happy to discuss any aspects of your work that are causing you concern and point you in the right direction.
Regular academic skills workshops are offered in the areas of:
- Essay writing
- Critical analysis
- Referencing
- Numeracy to support drug calculations
- Exam and revision techniques.
Find out more by visiting their iCity page.
HELS Academic Development Department
IT Training
The IT training team offers a variety of free training and support both in person and online.
Courses are tailored for the individual needs of students and staff; follow the links to iCity to browse the current offerings. These include:
- Excel Essentials
- Introduction to NVivo
- EndNote Web Referencing Tool
- Getting to Know OneDrive
IT Help for Students IT Training for staff
Subject Support
Librarians can help you throughout your research, from the scoping of the project in the initial stages through the collection of information and onto the maintaining of momentum. Keeping up to date through regular contact with your Librarian will both simplify the process and enhance your work.
You can also book a tutorial with a Learning and Teaching Librarian, who can provide expert guidance in literature searching and search strategies relating to your chosen subject.
Find Resources
On our Find Resources pages you will discover Library Search useful features and how to get or accessing key academic resources:
Library Search
Start your search with our powerful library search platform. Fast and intuitive, Library Search brings together the vast range of BCU library resources into one easy to use platform.
Inter-Library Loans
As a library service we have access to a wide range of print and electronic books and journals. There will be occasions where we do not have access to a particular book or journal article. The Inter Library Loans service can help on these occasions. It allows us to borrow from institutions such as the British Library and other University libraries therefore giving us access to a huge range of resources. For more information on the process please refer to our inter-library loans FAQs.
Contact and feedback
We'd love to hear from you, whether you want to ask a question or report an issue.
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Emergency situations
In case of an emergency, including when a First Aider is needed, contact Security from your mobile:
0121 331 6969
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