Items not in stock
In case you identified a resource or item not in stock from our physical or electronic collections, we have solutions to help you access an alternative copy. This page lists the different request paths depending if you want to use the resource for individual study or as teaching material.
Is the item already on loan?
Before you investigate a source for an alternative copy, please double-check for the availability of any items within our catalogue. If a book is already on loan or is located at one of our other libraries you can use our reservations service to request it.
Resources for teaching
If you are looking for a resource to add to a module's student reading materials, add the resource directly to the resource list even if it is not currently held by the library. See the academic staff guide for instructions.
Resources for individual study
Use one of the following solutions when you need a resource for your own research.
Borrow from other libraries
You may request an inter-library loan for the following resources:
- Single journal article
- Single book or e-book chapter or page range not exceeding 10%
Please read the frequently asked questions if it is the first time you are using the inter-library loan service.
Suggest a purchase
You may suggest the library to purchase the following resources:
- Books / eBooks
- Sheet music
- Audio-Video
Inclusive material
We are especially interested in recommendations for inclusive material.
Examples of inclusive material include items authored / created by or about an underrepresented and marginalised group identified by, for example, disability, LGBTQ+, Global Majority, working class background, neurodiversity, gender etc.
Your inclusive suggestions will be shared on the Your Choice @BCULibrary Resource List.
Where possible we order electronic format items, but if you require a specific format please indicate this in the notes field.
Suggest a new subscription
BCU staff members can suggest new subscription-based resources such as:
- Audio-Video streaming
- Databases
- Journals