Behaviour and use policy

library - our libraries - behaviour policy

In Library and Learning Resources, we believe in creating a positive, welcoming study environment for all. We've created some rules and guidelines for all library users to follow when working in library spaces:

1. Library spaces

Library spaces are defined as:

  • Libraries in Curzon Building, Seacole Building, Margaret St and St Pauls.
  • Curzon B open spaces: Learning Zone (ground floor) and study rooms.

2. Noise policy

2.1. Noise zoning

Noise zones are clearly signposted. All library spaces are yellow quiet study zones except where designated as red silent study zones.

2.2. Quiet study

Quiet talking is allowed. Voices must not be raised, mobile devices must be set to quiet, and headphones must be used if playing audio-visual equipment. Efforts must be made to keep noise at a minimum when working as a group.

2.3. Silent study

No talking is allowed. Library users must step outside the room if they wish to have a conversation. Mobile phones must be set to silent.

2.4. Responding to noise

Call or text 0121 331 5000, or email to report noise issues. Where possible, Security staff on duty must aim to respond to noise reports.

Security staff patrolling library spaces, and library staff working within library spaces will be proactive in approaching library users who are not adhering to the noise policy.

3. Food and drink policy

3.1. Food

Food is not allowed in any of the library spaces. This includes food purchased from University outlets, takeaways, deliveries, or food brought from home.

3.2. Drink

Drinks in sealed containers may be consumed in library spaces.

4. Unattended possessions

Personal possessions (including bags, coats and other items) must not be left unattended within the library. Any personal possessions found within the library will be treated as lost property and passed onto security. Security staff will be requested to remove any bags, coats or other personal possessions left unattended within the library, including items left in study zones and study carrels.

5. Fire alarms

If the building fire or evacuation alarms are activated, or if library users are requested to exit an area by any member of Birmingham City University staff, we expect all our users to behave responsibly and immediately exit the building / area. Fire assembly points are advertised in all of our buildings.

6. Behaviour guidelines

These are guidelines designed to promote positive, considerate behaviour in the library spaces. These guidelines have been produced using student feedback from our Be Considerate campaign.

6.1. Study spaces

Study spaces should be kept clear for others by not taking up spare seats/tables with bags, coats, and other items which would prevent another person from using the space.

If you are using a laptop in front of an available PC, you should consider moving to a free table to allow that PC to be used.

Please keep your feet off the furniture to avoid marking/soiling it.

Please report any spills to library staff so that they can request a cleaner to attend as quickly as possible.

Please report any furniture/property damage to library staff so that the appropriate action can be taken as soon as possible.

6.2. Moving furniture

Please do not move the furniture. This includes chairs and tables. There are some foot stools which you may move to reach books on high shelves.

6.3. Litter

Please keep the library tidy. Use the bins provided for your litter. There are recycling and general waste bins in multiple places around the libraries.

6.4. Respect the noise zones

Please respect the library space as a quiet area in which to study. Whilst we understand that you may need to work as a group, be considerate of those around you who are studying, and consider using one of the social areas in the University buildings for socialising.

6.5. Respect each other

Please be considerate towards other library users by respecting the study space and ensuring a quiet, pleasant environment for everyone to work in. If you see somebody looking lost or struggling to find a place to work, help them out or direct them to library staff.

Staff have a duty of care to all library users and may need to speak to you if your behaviour could affect other library users.

We take the wellbeing of our users seriously. If you fall asleep in the Library you might be gently woken up to just check on you from a wellbeing perspective.

Behaviour and Use Policy, February 2019. Updated October 2023. Last Reviewed January 2024.

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