Transforming Leadership: Leading Libraries

Libraries Connected

The Libraries Connected Transforming Leadership Programme was a 30-month learning and mentoring programme which acknowledged that leaders may emerge from all layers of a service and which values new talents and skills.

The Leading Libraries programme aimed to develop innovative, entrepreneurial library workers who will have the confidence and the vision to lead teams in tough times and who actively represent the communities they serve.

Leading Libraries was run in partnership with CILIP and funded by Arts Council England as part of their Transforming Leadership programme.

Evidence Base were commissioned to evaluate the programme to identify successes and lessons learned and to make recommendations about potential future activity.


Through surveys, interviews, focus groups and observation Evidence Base identified the success of the programme as well as lessons learned which might feed into future programmes. The Leading Libraries Evaluation Report:

Libraries Connected publishes Leading Libraries Evaluation Report | Libraries Connected

Evidence Base produced a number of case studies outlining the work of services participating in the Leading Libraries Programme. The case studies:

Leading Libraries Strategic Case Studies | Libraries Connected


The Evidence Base evaluation assisted in the ongoing development of the Leading Libraries Programme through providing formative feedback. Summative evaluation activity enabled Libraries Connected and programme partners to identify successes and lessons learned to feed into the development of similar initiatives in the future.