
Containing journals, research papers and reports related to your chosen subject.

A-Z of Databases

What is a Database?

A database is an electronic collection of specialist information that includes archived articles, research papers, the latest reports and relevant journals.

Why are they useful?

As you read more, chances are you will get to know some key databases very well during your studies.

They are a brilliant way to get a more comprehensive understanding of your chosen area of study as your course progresses.

For example; if you are studying Law then you will most likely need to access Lexis Library which is full of articles relating to that field.

Here is a brief video guide to accessing databases.

Tip: A quick way to the best database for you is to search by Subject.

BCU has a large collection of databases on everything from Accountancy to Visual Communications.

Databases are listed alphabetically with brief descriptions of the sort of content available underneath the titles and you'll see different options to filter the listings. You will also find links to subject relevant databases in the Subject Guides.

A-Z of Databases

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