Requests from other libraries

Birmingham City University welcomes requests from other libraries.
Our holdings can be searched via our Library Search or via Jisc Discover Hub.
You can check our current service status via the ILL service status collaborative sheet.
We participate in the Conarls Inter-Regional Unit (IRU) Cost Scheme which means loans and copies to fellow members cost £6.00. Non-members are charged in line with the current British Library rates.

Email us to place a request

 Codes and Membership

British Library Directory

We are members of the British Library Directory. Our location code is QM/C48. Our lending policy is G2.

Library Hub Discover

We participate in Library Hub Discover. Our search code is BCU.


We are not members of OCLC, however our WorldCat symbol is UKCEE


We are members of RapidILL. Our code is UKCEE.

A selection of our journal holdings are available via reciprocal membership of the following schemes:

  • INC & LAWMUNION: We are members of MIDS. Our code is BCUS.
  • NULJ: Our code is BCUS.

 International Requests

We do not lend books overseas. We charge 1 IFLA voucher for copies up to 15 pages supplied internationally. We also supply copies internationally via our RapidILL subscription.