Distance Learning Book Request
If you are a Distance Learner at Birmingham City University, and live in the UK, you are eligible for loanable items in our libraries to be posted to you.
The term "Distance Learner" applies to someone who is enrolled on a course where Birmingham City University has designated the mode of study as "distance learning", rather than somebody who lives a long way from University.
Students on distance learning courses may request loans using the form below.
- General Guidance
- List of distance learning courses
- Data Protection
- Bringing your library to you
- Book Request Form
General Guidance
- You may request up to four items to be posted at a time (maximum loan limit 20)
- Items may be available on shelf or on loan to another borrower
- You will be added to a reservation queue for the item if no copy is currently available
- Two week loans will be issued initially for four weeks, but will revert to two weeks on renewal.
- You books will automatically renew each week providing they have not been reserved by another user. Please visit our renewing page for further information.
- Please be aware that you will have to pay the cost of return postage
- We regret that we cannot post books outside of the UK
List of distance learning courses
Business, Law and Social Sciences
- BA (Hons) Business Management
- MSc. Audit Management and Consultancy
- MSc. Risk Management
- MSc. Psychology (online course)
Health, Education and Life Sciences
- Advancing Diabetes Care - Module/MSc/PgCert/PgDip
- Immunisation and Vaccination Online Moodle Course
- Professional Studies in Health and Social Care (Online Top Up Degree)
- Return to Practice – Speech and Language Therapist
- Social Care Assessment of Vulnerable Women
- FdSc. Rehabiltation Work (Visual Impairment)
- BSc. (Hons) Specialist Complex Needs Rehabilitation Work (Visual Impairment) Top-Up Degree
- BSc. (Hons) Habilitation – Working with Children and Young People Top-Up Degree
Arts, Design and Media
- Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Advanced Cert.
- Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) Diploma
- PgDip/MA English Linguistics
- MA Social Media
- MA Music Industries
- MA Creative Industries & Cultural Policy
- MA Online Journalism
- BA (Hons) Applied Theatre
Computing, Engineering and the Built Environment
- MSc. International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- MSc. International Project Management
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Data Protection
Birmingham City University is committed to safeguarding your personal data. Whenever you provide such information we are legally obliged to use your information in line with all applicable laws concerning the protection of personal information including the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
View a full copy of our privacy policy
Contacting us about how we use your information
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we use or handle your information please contact the Data Protection Officer at: Data Protection Officer, Information Management Team, Birmingham City University, Joseph Priestley Building, 6 Cardigan Street, Birmingham B4 7BD, email informationmanagement@bcu.ac.uk or call +44 (0) 121 331 5288.
If you are not content with how we handle your information please contact our Data Protection Officer. However you do also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Information about the Information Commissioner.
Bringing your library to you
Don't forget that we have a huge range of library resources that you can access online:
- Search for e-books, journals and databases via the library website
- Visit your online subject guide for specific subject resources
- Check out our full range of online help guides
- Use our 24/7 chat service for help - ask us anything!
- Book an online tutorial with a subject specialist.
- Browse our range of frequently asked questions
Please continue to check your Birmingham City University email address and this page for updates.
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Book Request Form
Contact and feedback
We'd love to hear from you, whether you want to ask a question or report an issue.
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Emergency situations
In case of an emergency, including when a First Aider is needed, contact Security from your mobile:
0121 331 6969
... or desk phone extension: