PhD Studentships

Funded Postgraduate Research

PhD studentships are PhD funding opportunities supported by the University and organisations, where your research will be actively used in overcoming real-world problems. Contribute to research expertise at BCU and explore current PhD studentships here.

Midlands4Cities Arts and Humanities Doctoral Training Partnership

The Midlands4CitiesArts and Humanities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C) is an AHRC-funded collaboration between eight Midlands universities. 

Researcher blogs

Hear from our postgraduate researchers on what studying a PhD is like, from career opportunities to effective time management.


Explore researcher blogs

Meet our researchers

BCU is home to talented and proactive research academics, who have created ground-breaking ideas challenging their field of study and the world.

Meet BCU Experts

Research projects

Solving real world problems with our expertise. Our research talent and drive to add a genuine contribution to knowledge help us make a difference through our work.

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Graduate Scholarship

The Graduate Scholarship is a 20% fee reduction available to all BCU graduates (BA, BSc, LLB, MA, MSc, LLM, PGCE) enrolling onto an eligible Master’s or PhD qualification for the first time in 2024/25 or 2025/26.