Media and Journalism Research Staff

29 items found, viewing items 1 to 10.

  • Dr Yemisi Akinbobola

    Senior Lecturer

    Yemisi holds a PhD in Media and Cultural Studies from Birmingham City University. She is a senior lecturer and Research Degrees Coordinator for the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research . Her research interests are in African Feminism(s) and media in Africa, particularly the intersections of Women's Rights and...

  • Dr Simon Barber

    Research Fellow

    Dr Simon Barber researches, writes and lectures about popular music, the music industries, digital culture and jazz. As a member of the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research, Simon is particularly interested in the study of songwriting, and relationships between creative workers and industry. He convenes the...

  • Dr Hocine Bougdah

    Director of Technical Studies and Sustainability

    Dr Hocine Bougdah has an academic and industrial career that extends over 31 years. He recently joined the University as a Director for Technical Studies and Sustainability. Prior to this, he was a Senior Research Fellow in the School of Architecture and Cities at the University of Westminster, London and a research/educational...

  • Dr Oliver Carter

    Professor in Creative Economies

    Oliver Carter is a Professor in Creative Economies at the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research, Birmingham City University. His research focuses on alternative economies of cultural production; informal forms of industry that are often removed from a formal cultural industries discourse. His research into...

  • Dr Rachel-Ann Charles

    Course Director & Lecturer

    Rachel-Ann is a Course Director on the MA in Global Media Management and she lectures across undergraduate Media courses. She is also a Researcher at the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research (BCMCR), Birmingham City University (BCU) and has made contributions to the study of social action community media within a...

  • Dr Sam Coley

    Associate Professor, College Academic Lead for Distance & Transnational Education Course Leader MA Media Production

    Sam Coley is the College Academic Lead for Distance and Transnational Education at the Birmingham College of English and Media. He is also Award Leader for the MA Media Production and teaches a range of undergraduate and postgraduate audio production modules. Coley is a member of the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural...

  • Dr. Hazel Collie

    Course Leader - Media and Communication

    Hazel Collie completed her PhD “Television for Women: Generation, Gender and the Everyday” at De Montfort University in 2014. Her doctoral research was undertaken as part of the AHRC funded project “A History of Television for Women in Britain, 1947-1989”. Hazel’s PhD thesis considered the role of television in the lives of...

  • Dr Gemma Commane

    Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication, MA Cultural Studies

    Dr Gemma Commane   is a Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications. Broadly the areas of her expertise span the fields of media and cultural studies and gender and sexuality. Her research interests focus on contemporary cultural studies, gender and sexuality, queer studies, sexual economies and entrepreneurship, dangerous...

  • Dr Pedro Cravinho

    Keeper of Archives, Senior Research Fellow in Jazz Studies

    Dr Pedro Cravinho is a researcher and educator with a background as a professional musician, a BMus in Musicology, and a PhD in Ethnomusicology. He is the Keeper of the Archives at the Faculty of Arts, Design and Media and a Senior Research Fellow in Jazz Studies, co-leading the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research...

  • Dr Asya Draganova

    Lecturer in Media and Communication

    Dr Asya Draganova is a Lecturer in Media and Popular Music Culture and a researcher co-leading the Popular Music Research Cluster based at the Birmingham Centre for Media and Cultural Research . Asya is the Course Director for MA Media and Cultural Studies and teaches across all MA programmes at the School of Media within the...

29 items found, viewing items 1 to 10.