Professor Antoinette Renouf
Antoinette Renouf holds degrees from the Universities of East Anglia and Essex. Her research interests include lexis and lexical semantics, with particular focus on the relationship between textual word patterning and meaning; and automated text analysis for application in document retrieval and knowledge management. She is internationally known as a pioneer in the field of Corpus Linguistics.
She has held appointments at several Universities. At the University of Birmingham, she was co-director of the innovative COBUILD project. Then, in 1990, as Director of the new ‘Research and Development Unit for English Language Studies’ (RDUELS), she won the first ever arts-based research grant from the Science Research Council (then SERC), for her AVIATOR project.
In 1993, she was invited to take her Unit, renamed the ‘Research and Development Unit for English Studies’ (RDUES), to the University of Liverpool, where from 1993-2004, she completed four further major EPSRC/DTI and industry-funded projects, ACRONYM, APRIL, WEBCORP and SHARES, before bringing the Unit to Birmingham City University. Here, she has won and completed a further two major ESPRC-funded projects: WebCorpLSE and Repulsion.
She is the editor of one volume, co-editor of two volumes, and has written over fifty essays in the field of Corpus Linguistics. She was Chair of the Advisory Board of ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Mediaeval English) for 6 years, and has been a member for over 30 years. She has been an Overseas Scientific Advisor to the Finnish Research Council for 12 years, and a Guest Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University from 2008-11; with invitations pending as Guest Professor to Beihang University, Beijing, and as Distinguished Overseas professor at Sanda University, Shanghai.
She is an invited speaker at universities and conferences around the world. She is currently writing up strands of her research, one aiming to be a book on neology.
MA in Applied Linguistics - University of Essex
PGCE - University of Cambridge
BA (Hons) - University of East Anglia
International expert on the Scientific Advisory Board of VARIENG Project, Helsinki and Jyväskylä (1999-2011), appointed by Finnish Academy of Sciences 1999-2011, renewed
Evaluator of research proposals, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada
Evaluator of research proposals, City University of Hong Kong
Evaluator of applications for Killam Research Fellowship, Canada Council for the Arts
Guest Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Foreign Languages (2008-2011)
ICAME (International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English); Member of Advisory Board, 1983-2012; Chair of Advisory Board 1995-12; Member of association, ongoing
Member of EPSRC Peer Review College, ongoing since 1995
Member of Editorial Board for Journal Lingvisticae Investigationes, John Benjamins Ltd, Amsterdam
Member of Editorial Board for the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics
Member of scientific committee for paper review for Neologica journal
Member of Scientific Committee for reviewing programmes and papers of the annual ‘Comparative Lexico-Grammaire’ conferences, Université Marne-la-Valleé
Academic consultant to the Corpus Linguistics Society of China
Member of Centre for British Teachers Educational Trust
Member of ISLE (International Society of the Linguistics of English)
Lexis, lexical semantics, collocation and meaning; and automated text analysis.
Renouf, A. (ed.) (1998), Explorations in Corpus Linguistics, Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi.
Renouf, A. & A. Kehoe (eds.) (2006), The Changing Face of Corpus Linguistics, Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi.
Renouf, A. & A. Kehoe (eds.) (2009), Corpus Linguistics: Refinements & Reassessments, Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodolpi.
(forthcoming) Neology (provisional title) Routledge.
Contributions to Books
1984: ‘Corpus Development at Birmingham University', in Corpus Linguistics:Recent Developments in the Use of Computer Corpora in English Language Research, edited by Aarts, Jan, and Willem Meijs, Rodopi, Amsterdam pp. 3-39
1986: ‘The Elicitation of Spoken English', in English in Speech and Writing:Proceedings from the symposium on English in speech and writing, Uppsala, 5 Oct, 1984, edited by Tottie, Gunnel and Ingegard Backlund, Almqvist and Wiksell, Stockholm.pp. 177-197
1987: ‘Lexical Resolution', in Corpus Linguistics and Beyond:Proceedings of the 7 International Conference on English Language Research on Computerised Corpora, edited by Willem Meijs, Rodopi, Amsterdam.pp. 121-131
1987: ‘The Exploitation of a Computerised Corpus of English Text', in Actes du VIIIe Colloque du GERAS, edited by Michèle Rivas, Centre de Recherhce CERLACA, Université de Paris-Dauphine.pp. 123-136
1987: ‘The Exploitation of a Computerised Corpus of English Text', also in Papers from the Conference of Departments of English in Finland, CDEF 86, eds. Nyyssonen, Heikki, Kataja, Riitta, and Vesa Komulainen, Dept of English, Oulu University.pp.7-20
1987: ‘Corpus Development', in Looking Up, edited by John McH. Sinclair, Collins, London.pp. 1-40
1987: ‘Moving On', in Looking Up, edited by John McH. Sinclair, Collins, London.pp.167-178
1988: with John McH. Sinclair, ‘Lexical Syllabus for Language Learning', in Vocabulary and Language Teaching, by Carter Roland A, and Michael J McCarthy, Longman, Harlow.pp. 140-160
1988: ‘Coding Metalanguage:Issues Raised in the Creation and Processing of Specialised Corpora', in Corpus Linguistics, Hard and Soft:Proceedings of the 8 ICAME Conference, edited by Ihalainen, Ossi, Kyto, Merja, and Matti Rissanen, Rodopi, Amsterdam.pp. 197-206
1990: ‘Aspects of Work in Corpus Linguistics at Birmingham University', in Proceedings from the Stockholm Conference on the Use of Computers in Language Research and Teaching, Sept 1989.Stockholm Papers in English Language and Literature 6, Dept. English, University of Stockholm.pp. 85-92
1991: with John McH. Sinclair, ‘Collocational Frameworks in English', in English Corpus Linguistics:Studies in Honour of Jan Svartvik, eds. Aijmer, Karin, and Bengt Altenberg, Longman, Harlow.pp.128-143
1992: ‘What Do You Think of That?':A Pilot Study of the Phraseology of the Core Words of English', in New Directions in English Language Corpora, ed Leitner, Gerhard, (ed), Mouton de Gruyters, Berlin.pp.301-317
1993: ‘A Word in Time:first findings from dynamic corpus investigation', in English Language Corpora:Design, Analysis and Exploitation, eds Aarts, Jan de Haan, Pierter, and Nelleke Oostdijk, Rodopi, Amsterdam.pp. 279-288
1993: ‘Making Sense of Text: Automated Approaches to Meaning Extraction', in Proceedings of 17 International Online Information Meeting, 7-9 Dec 1993.pp. 77-86
1994: ‘Corpora and Historical Dictionaries', in Early Dictionary Databases, eds. Lancashire, Ian, & T Russon Wooldridge, University of Toronto, 1-8 Oct, 1993.pp. 219-235
1995: also in Informatique et Dictionnaires Anciens, in series Dictionnaire et Lexicographie, series ed. Quemada, Bernard, Didiér Erudition, Paris.pp.219-235
1995: with Collier, Alex, ‘A System of Automatic Textual Abridgement', in Proceedings of AI'95, 15 International Conference, Language Engineering '95, Montpellier, 27-30 Jun, 1995.pp. 395-407
1996: ‘Managing the Teaching of Corpus Linguistics', in Teaching and Language Corpora, University of Leeds, May 1994, eds. Wichmann, Anne, Fligelstone, Steve, McEnery, Tony and Gerry Knowles, Longman, Harlow.pp. 255-266
1996: ‘The ACRONYM Project:Discovering the Textual Thesaurus', in Papers from English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 16), eds. Lancashire, Ian, Meyer, Charles & Carol Percy, Rodopi, Amsterdam.pp. 171-187
1997: ‘Tools for the Diachronic Study of Historical Corpora', in To Explain the Present:Studies in the Changing English Language in Honour of Matti Rissanen, ed. Nevalainen T, in series ‘Memoires de la Societe Neophilologique de Helsinki, vol 52', Helsinki, pp. 185-199
1998: with Baayen, Harald, ‘Aviating among the hapax legomaena: morphological grammaticalisation in current British Newspaper English', in Explorations of Corpus Linguistics:Proceedings of the 18 ICAME Conference, University of Liverpool, 21-25 May 1997 ed Renouf, A.pp. 181-189
1998: with Pacey, Mike and Alex Collier, ‘Refining the Automatic Identification of Conceptual Relations in Large-scale Corpora', in Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Very Large Corpora, ACL/COLING, Montreal, 15-16 August 1998'
2001: ‘Lexical Signals of Word Relations' in Scott, Mike and Geoff Thompson (eds.) Patterns of text:in honour of Michael Hoey, John Benjamin Publishing Co., Amsterdam/Philadelphia, pp. 35-54
2002: ‘The Time Dimension in Modern Corpus Linguistics', in Bernhard Kettemann & Georg Marko (eds.) Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis.Papers from the Fourth International Conference on Teaching and Learning Corpora, Graz, 19/24 July 2000, Amsterdam/Atlanta GA: Rodopi. pp.27-41
2003: ‘WebCorp:providing a renewable data source for corpus linguists', in‘Granger, S. & S. Petch-Tyson (eds.)Extending the scope of corpus-based research:new applications, new challenges, Amsterdam/Atlanta GA:Rodopi pp.39-58
2004: with Kehoe, Andrew and David Mezquiriz:‘The Accidental Corpus:issues involved in extracting linguistic information from the Web', in Aijmer, Karin & Bengt Altenberg (eds.) Advances in Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam/Atlanta GA: Rodopi pp. 404-419
2003: Chinese translation of: `Lexical Signals of Word Relations', in Jin, Guangjin (ed.) Window to the Computational Linguistics, Jisuan Yuyan Xueshichuang, Beijing, pp. 230-253.
2003: with Bauer, Laurie, Chinese translation of: ‘A Corpus-Based Study of Compounding in English', in Jin, Guangjin (ed.) Window to the Computational Linguistics, Jisuan Yuyan Xueshichuang, Beijing, pp. 254-282.
2004: ‘Shall we Hors-d'Oeuvres? Uses and Misuses of Gallicisms in English', in Laporte,Eric, Christian Leclère, Mireille Piot et Max Silberztein (eds.)‘Syntaxe, Lexique et Lexique-Grammaire:Hommage à Maurice Gross', Lingvisticae Investigationes Supplementa 24, John Benjamin's Publishing Co., Amsterdam/ Philadelphia, pp. 523-543
2006 ‘The Turing Test Applied to Automatic Linguistic Analysis.' In: Alwin Fill/Georg Marko/David newby/Hermaine Penz (eds.) (2006). Linguists (Do Not) Only Talk About It. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. 123-8.
2006 with Kehoe, A Banerjee, J. ‘Webcorp: an integrated system for web text search', in Hundt, M., N. Nesselhauf & c. Biewer (eds.), Corpus Linguistics and the Web, Amsterdam: Rodopi
2007 ‘Corpus Development 25 years on: from super-corpus to cyber-corpus?' in Facchinetti, R (ed.) Corpus Linguistics 25 Years on. Amsterdam/NY: Rodopi.
2010 'Identification automatique de la néologie lexicologique et sémantique : questions soulevées par notre méthode'. in Cabré, M.T.; Domènech, O.; Estopà, R.; Freixa, J.; Lorente, M. (eds.). Actes del I Congrés Internacional de Neologia de les Llengües Romàniques. Barcelona: Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada; Documenta Universitaria, 2010. 129-141.1 vol. + CD-ROM ISBN 978-84-92707-08-9
2012 ‘A Finer Definition of Neology in English: the life-cycle of a word’, in Hasselgård, Hilde, Signe Oksefjell Ebeling and Jarle Ebeling (eds.). Corpus Perspectives on Patterns of Lexis. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Contributions to Journals
1989: ‘Progress Report on Corpus Linguistics at Birmingham', in ICAME Journal, No 14, ed Johansson, Stig, NAVF, Bergen.
1992: ‘The Establishment and Use of Text Corpora at Birmingham University', in Hermes Journal of Linguistics 1991, ed Bergenholtz, Henning, Arhus Business School, Arhus.
1993: ‘What the Linguist has to say to the Information Scientist', in The Journal of Document and Text Management, ed Gibb, Forbes, vol ½, 1993.pp. 173-190
1993: ‘Sticking to the text:a corpus linguist's view of language', in ASLIB Proceedings, Volume 45/5, May 1993.pp. 131-136.
1996: with Baayen, R. Harald, ‘Chronicling the Times:Productive Lexical Innovations in an English Newspaper', Language, 72.1 ed Richard Sproat et al (1996) ISSN 0097-8507, pp. 69-96.
1996: ‘Les Nyms: en quète du thesaurus des textes', in Lingvisticae Investigationes XX:1, Benjamins, Amsterdam.pp. 145-165.
2001: with Bauer, Laurie, ‘Contextual Clues to Word-Meaning', in International Journal of Corpus Lingusitics, Issue 5-2, ed Wolfgang Teubert, Institut füf Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany.pp. 231-258.
2001: with Bauer, Laurie, ‘A Corpus-Based Study of Compounding in English', in Journal of English Linguistics, 29:2, ed Meyer, Charles F., University of Massachusetts at Boston, Sage Publications, pp. 100-123.
2002: with Kehoe, Andrew, ‘WebCorp:Applying the Web to Linguistics and Linguistics to the Web' in Proceedings of WWW2002, 11 International World Wide Web Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, 7-11 May 2002.() (ISBN:1-880672-20-0).
2004 with A. Kehoe. ‘Textual Distraction as a Basis for Evaluating Automatic Summaries', in Lino, M.F., Ferreira, F. et al. (eds.). Proceedings of LREC-2004. vols. 1-4. Lisboa, Portugal. ELRA.
2005 ‘Issues of automatic phrase retrieval in web text', in pre-proceedings of Phraseology 2005: The many faces of Phraseology. An interdisciplinary conference, 13-15 October 2005, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
2005 with Kehoe, A and J. Banerjee. ‘The Webcorp Search Engine : a holistic approach to web text search', in Electronic Proceedings of CL2005, University of Birmingham.
2005 ‘Corpus Linguistics: past and present', in Wei Naixing, Wenzhong, Li, Pu Jianzhong (eds.), Corpora in Use: In honour of Professor Yang Huizhong
2007 with Banerjee, J. ‘The search for repulsion: a new corpus analytical approach'in Pahta, P., I. Taavitsainen, T. Nevalainen & J Tyrkkö (eds.) Towards Multimedia in Corpus Studies, electronic publication, University of Helsinki.
2007 with Banerjee, J. ‘Lexical Repulsion between sense related pairs', in Mahlberg M.(ed.), International Journal of Corpus Linguistics : 12.3 John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp 415-443. ISSN 1384-6655
2009. ‘The Phenomenon of Repulsion in Text' in ‘Special edition of Proceedings of 25International Conference on Lexis and grammar, Palermo, Sicily, Sept. 6-10, 2006', in Lingvisticare Investigationes, Leclère, C et al (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
2009 ‘Corpus Linguistics beyond Google: the WebCorp Linguist's Search Engine' in ‘New Paths for Computing Humanists', Siemens, R. and G. Shawver (eds.) in Digital Studies / Le champ numérique Vol 1, No 1 (ISSN 1918-3666) the Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs (SDH/SEMI)
2010 with Banerjee, J. ‘Lexical repulsion and its Applications', in Actes du 27e Colloque international sur le lexique et la grammaire (L'Aquila, 10-13 septembre 2008 ) ed. M de Gioia, in series Lingue d'Europa e del Mediterraneo: Grammatica comparata, Aracne, Rome.
2010 "A Case Study of the suffix /ette/ in English", in ‘Les Tables: La grammaire du français par le menu', Nakamura, T; Laporte, E; Dister, A; and C. Fairon (eds), UCL Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
2011 “Corpus Linguistics beyond Google: the WebCorp Linguist’s Search Engine’. Portuguese translation in Proceedings, Brazilian Corpus Linguistics Meeting, Porto Alegre, ed. Berber Sardinha, Tony. Mercado de Letras, Series 'Espaços da Linguística de Corpus'.
2011 “Tracing lexical productivity and creativity in the British media: The Chavs and the Chav-nots?”, Portuguese translation in ‘Matraga’, eds. Salies, Tania & Tania Shepherd. Centre of Arts and Humanities, University of Rio. Special issue on theory in lexis.
2012 ‘Defining neology to meet the needs of the translator’, in Humbley, John, and Jean-François Sablayrolles (eds.) Neologica 6, Paris, Editions Classiques, Garnier.
Renouf, Antoinette (2013) A finer definition of neology in English: The life-cycle of a word. In: Corpus Perspectives on Patterns of Lexis. Studies in Corpus Linguistics, 57 . John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 177-208. ISBN 9789027203632
Renouf, Antoinette and Kehoe, Andrew (2013) Filling the gaps: Using the WebCorp Linguist’s Search Engine to supplement existing text resources. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 18 (2). pp. 167-198. ISSN 1384-6655
Renouf, A. (2014) Neology: From word to register. Editions Rodopi B.V.. Item not available from this repository.
Government and Industry Funded Projects
1989-1991: BT Project Reports.
1991-1992: GCSE Readability Project Reports (final report to all Chief Examiners of 5 Local Examination Boards).
1994: with Campanelli, Pamela, Channell, Joanna, McAulay, Liz, and Roger Thomas, Training: An exploration of the word and the concept with an analysis of the implications for survey design, Employment Department Research Series No 30.
1990-onwards: All EPSRC, AHRC and other government council funded projects: project documentation, from initial case for support, through to progress reports and final report are archived at the respective Councils and Ministries.