Jade Tomlin

Criminology - BA (Hons)

Jade went to Bulgaria for three weeks, working at an orphanage and in a shanty town.

Too many highlights

“My time abroad was fantastic, and there were too many highlights. The ones that stand out the most were meeting new people from different cities, going on nights out, and of course volunteering and seeing how much joy simple gifts and toys brought to the children's faces.”


“I did try and learn some of the most common and useful words from the kids. There were many other students who also volunteered their time while I was over there. I met some amazing people and different characters who I will be definitely keep in contact with. 

"As many of the people I met were students going down totally different career paths to me, building contacts wasn't really something I considered. But as we are still in contact you never know when a network may form.”

Great experience

“Overall, the three weeks I volunteered in Bulgaria was an absolutely great experience and I would not change any part of it whatsoever. I feel as though I have learned new skills, made friends and most importantly made a difference by volunteering with the children. It is definitely something I would recommend to others!”

“I get home sick quite easily so I don’t think I would work abroad for now, but I would definitely volunteer again after the experience I had!”

Jade Tomlin Collage