Professor Hong T. M. Bui

Director of Research, Innovation & Enterprise and Professor in Business Education
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Professor Hong T. M. Bui has a broad social science background, including economics, education, communication, management, and various methodologies in both qualitative and quantitative. Her research focuses on the learning organisation, organisational studies, and interdisciplinary approach to innovation and sustainability. Hong served as an associate editor for The Learning Organization and now for Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Hong has worked for five different business schools in the UK: Norwich Business School, Bournemouth Business School, Southampton Business School, Bath School of Management, and currently Birmingham City Business School.
The Public Administration Review journal in 2014 reviewed Hong as a "talented researcher" and "leading scholar". She has an extensive network with researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in various disciplines working on grand challenges such as sustainable cities, new energy, innovation, climate change, healthcare in the UK and many developing countries worldwide.
Hong is passionate about developing business education to transform society toward innovation and sustainability. Forbes Vietnam named her to its list of 20 Inspiring Women 2021.
Areas of Expertise
- Learning organisation for innovation and sustainability, particularly in higher education
- Co-innovation process
- Multiple methodologies
- Wicked issue investigation
- Interdisciplinary collaboration
- Provincial and regional socio-economic and environmental strategy development
- PhD in Management
- MA in Communication & Language Studies
- MA in Educational Leadership & Management
- BA in Economics
- BA in English
- 2022 - 2025: Visiting Professor at School of Management, University of Bath
- 2021 - 2022: Visiting Professor at International College, Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- 2019 - ongoing: Visiting Professor at IPAG Business School, France
- 2015 - 2017: Visiting Professor at the VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education, Da Nang University, Vietnam
- 2012: Higher Education Academy Fellowship
- 2011 - 2013: European Academy of Management
- 2010 - 2022 (some gaps in between): Academy of Management
- 2010 - 2015: British Academy of Management
- 2022-2023 - Australian Alumni Grants Funds: Empowering Teachers for an Uncertain Future (CoI)
- 2022-2023 - Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey: Grounded Dynamism in a Nascent Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: Perspectives from Turkey and the UK (Project supervisor for Dr Begum Samur Teraman).
- 2021 - UK-Pakistan Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Texonomy” workshop (07-09/06) (Online participant)
- 2021-2022 - US Department of State – Alumni & Yseali Grant Programs: Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity Development for Teachers in Disaster-Prone Areas (Supervisor & Advisor)
- 2020-2021 - Crowdfunding: Vietnamese Higher Education’s Response to Covid 19 (PI)
- 2019-2020 - AVSE Global: Edit and publish a book on Vietnamese Education: Changes and Innovation.
- 2018-2019 - School of Management’s Seed Corn Grant, University of Bath: “Modern Slavery in Vietnamese Nail Bars in the UK”, (PI)
- 2017 - UK-Turkey Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Empowering Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Leaders: Theory and Action” workshop in Ankara, Turkey (02-05/10). (Participant)
- 2017 - UK-Thailand Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to organise “Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability” workshop in Bangkok, Thailand (31/07-03/08) (PI)
- 2017 UK-Brazil Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Higher Education for all” workshop in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil (20-23/03) (Participant).
- 2017 - UK-Mexico Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Decarbonising the Yucatan region in Mexico” workshop in Merida, Mexico (08-12/01) (Participant).
- 2016 - Research Mobility Award funded by Santander to participate “Sustainable Systems and Societies: Energy, Environment and Policy Frameworks’ workshop among University of Bath (UK), Unicamp (Brazil), Stellenbosch (South Africa) and Zhejiang University (China) in Campinas, Brazil (16-18/11/2016) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-South Africa-Egypt Newton Trilateral Researcher Links Grant to participate “Building research capacity towards assessing success-factors in building ethical cross-sectoral healthcare management partnerships within the business, government and NGOs” workshop in Stellenbosch, South Africa (11-15/11) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Brazil Newton Fund Researcher Links Grant to participate “The expansion of new frontiers for renewable energy: Effects, conflicts & alternatives for populations in spaces of socio-environmental vulnerability” workshop in State of Goiás, Brazil (24-27/10) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Indonesia Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Maximising Migration Benefits: Indonesian Migrant Workers from Security to Development” workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia (19-21/09) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Kazakhstan Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Energy Challenges and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change in Kazakhstan” workshop in Almaty, Kazakhstan (24-26/08) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Kazakhstan Newton Fund Researcher Links Grant to participate “Energy – Food – Water Nexus in Kazakhstan & UK Integrated Approach to Green Economy Transition” workshop in Astana, Kazakhstan (21-23/08) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Mexico Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Sustainable Development - Exploring Energy Efficiency Opportunities through Supply Chain and Operations Innovation” workshop in Aguascalientes, Mexico (23-27/05) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Thailand Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “Short Food Chain: A pathway to sustainable development and employment creation” workshop in Bangkok, Thailand (21-23/03) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Malaysia Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in Agri-Innovation Workshop: Building resilience to climate change in Malaysia through innovative and sustainable agricultural technologies in Selangor, Malaysia (14-17/03) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Brazil Newton Fund Researcher Links grant to participate in “1st Community-based Sustainable Energy” Workshop in Florianopolis, Brazil (15-18/02) (Participant).
- 2016 - UK-Philippine Newton Fund International Research Grant to participate in “Sustainable Cities” workshop in Manila, Philippine (25-29/01) (Participant).
- 2015 - RENKEI (Japan-UK Research and Education Network for Knowledge Economy Initiatives) Intercultural Workshop on “Renaissance Entrepreneurship: Shaping a Future of Demographic Change” at UCL sponsored by the RENKEI network and the University of Southampton (Participant).
- 2015-2017 - British Academy/Leverhulme Trust 2015 Round: Roles of Business Schools for New Generations of Innovative Business Leaders, (PI).
- 2014-2018 - University of Southampton, Faculty PGR Scholarship: Non-rational decision making in uncertainty (PI).
- 2014-2015 - University of Southampton, Faculty Research Grant: Systems Thinking and SME business performance, (PI)
- 2013-2014 - Bournemouth University, PhD Studentship: Systems thinking and performance, (PI).
- 2013-2014 - Bournemouth University, EUADS Grant: Developing measure for systems thinking, (PI)
- 2012 - Bournemouth University, Small Grant: Networking and research bids, (PI)
- 2012-2015 - Vietnam National University & Vietnam Government: Large Grant “Database for Sustainable Development of Vietnam”, (CoI).
- 2012-2013 - Bournemouth University, Fusion Grant: Student satisfaction and employability, (CoI).
- 2011-2013 - Vietnam National University Hanoi, Special Research Project: Public sector employees’ responsibility and performance, (CoI)
- 2004-2005 - Hanoi University of Science, Research Grant: Creating a learning organisation, (PI).
Note: External funding grants are in bold.
Postgraduate Supervision
(Three students received Outstanding Awards)
- Rachel Foster-Borman: Entrepreneurial University Behaviour as a Pathway to Viable STEM Research Facilities (lead supervisor, completed 2023).
- Hanadi Bashir: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Towards the Evolution of Sustainable Graduate Employability Ecosystem: A Contemporary Perspective for Higher Education Stakeholders in the UAE (lead supervisor, completed 2023)
- James Jude O’Hagan: Embedded, bounded and rational, responses to performance management in UK public universities: An Institutional Logics Perspective. (second supervisor, completed 2023).
- Ahmad Alhusan: Examining the changing role of Strategy and Planning Offices at Public Sector Universities in the UK: Their role in strategic planning process and risk management process. (second supervisor, completed 2022).
- Caroline Baylon: Unintended Innovation: Can International Education Partnerships Help Foster Research and Innovation? (lead supervisor, completed 2021, received the Richard Mawditt Award).
- Nandarani Maistry: Developing a holistic strategic thinking perspective at the individual level that enhances Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) at higher education organisations (lead supervisor, completed 2020, received the Richard Mawditt Award).
- Linda du Plessis: Sense-making and Legitimacy During Institutional Radical Change: The Case of South Africa’s Free Higher Education (lead supervisor, completed 2020, received the Richard Mawditt Award; VES Conference Best Paper Award; the Highly Commended winner of the 2021 Emerald and HETL Outstanding Doctoral Research Award, DBA student wins international award for doctoral thesis).
- Tadhg Leane: Effective Followership in Higher Education (lead supervisor, completed 2020).
- Daniela Bariakova: Systems thinking and social innovation: The case of Bulgarian education (lead supervisor, completed 2020).
- Hang Tran: Protean careers of blue and white-collar Vietnamese (second supervisor, completed 2019).
- Sterling Rauseo: Decision-making and organisational performance (lead supervisor, completed 2019).
- Giang Hoang: Administrative, organisational culture and performance (lead supervisor, completed 2019).
- Kien Nguyen: CEOs careers in Vietnam (2nd supervisor, completed 2019).
- Hien Tran: Corporate social performance and corporate financial performance: Theory and empirical evidence from the recent financial crisis (Coordinating supervisor, completed 2015).
- Yazan Hatamle: Role of transformational leadership on innovative behaviour in Jordanian higher education (lead supervisor, PG Diploma exit).
- Anneshia Welsh: Impact of Social Capital on Resource Mobilization in Academic-Industry Partnerships (lead supervisor)
- Rodolph Boughaba: Understanding Wrongdoing at Higher Education Institutions (second supervisor).
Journal articles:
- Bui, H. T. M., Shoaib, S., Tran, L.T., Tran-Vu, V. H. & Baruch, Y. (2023). University’s shared vision for research and teaching: an international comparative study. Higher Education,
- Audretsch, D. A., Beliski, M., Bui, H. T. M. & Herzig, M. (2023). Improvisation and Innovation in Teams: The Jazz Effect. British Journal of Management, 34, 150-170.
- Du Plessis, L. & Bui, H. T. M. (2023). #FeesMustFall# Movement in the Post-Apartheid Era: Legitimacy Battle for Leaders. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 36(4), 663-678.
- Khong, H., Celik, I., Le, T.T.T., Lai, V.T.T., Nguyen, A. & Bui, H.T. M. (2023). Examining Teachers’ Behavioural Intention for Online Teaching After COVID-19 Pandemic: A Large-Scale Survey. Education and Information Technology, 28, 5999–6026.
- Tran, H, Baruch, Y. and Bui, H. T. M. (2021). On the way to self-employment: The dynamics of career mobility. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(14), 3088-3111.
- Jones, D., Gardner, T. & Bui, H. T. M. (2021). Vietnamese Early Career Academics’ Identity Work: Balancing Tensions between East and West. Studies in Higher Education,
- Bui, H. T. M. & Galanou, E. (2021). Translation of Systems Thinking to Organizational Goals: A Systematic Review. Journal of General Management
- Bui, H. T. M. (2021). From the Fifth Discipline to the New Revolution: What we have learnt from Senge’s ideas over the last three decades. The Learning Organization, 27(6), 495-504.
- Bui, H. T. M., Liu. G., Ko, W. W. and Curtis, A. (2021). Harmonious Workplace Climate and Employee Altruistic Behavior: From Social Exchange Perspective. International Journal of Manpower, 42(1): 95-112.
- Bui, H. T. M, Shoaib, S., Tran Vu, V. H., Nguyen, Q. T. & Mai. N. (2021) Career Ambition and Employee Performance Behaviour: The Presence of Ideological Development. Journal of General Management, 46(4): 302-312.
- Bui, H. T. M, Nguyen, H.T.M and Chau, V. S. (2020) Strategic agility orientation: The impact of CEO duality on corporate entrepreneurship in privatised Vietnamese firms. Journal of General Management, 45(2), 107-116.
- Bui, H. T. M., Chau, V. S., Degl’Innocenti, M., Leone, L. and Vicentini, F. (2019). The resilient organisation: A meta-analysis of the effect of communication on team diversity and team performance. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68 (4), 621–657. (Received Award of Top Downloaded Paper in Applied Psychology 2018-2019).
- Bui, H. T. M., Pinto, J. and Srivastava, A. (2019). Sexualisation of the work environment and emotional exhaustion: The case of emerging India. International Journal of Manpower, 40(4), 558-573.
- Bui, H. T. M., Chau, V. S. and Cox, J. (2019). Managing survival syndrome as scenario planning methodology … and it matters. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 68(4), 838-854.
- Wanick, V and Bui, H. T. M. (2019). Gamification in Management: a systematic review and research directions. International Journal of Serious Games, 6(2), 57 - 74.
- Secchi, D. and Bui, H. T. M. (2018). Group effects on individual attitudes toward social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 149(3): 725-746.
- Bui, H. T. M., Kuan, A. and Chu, T.T. (2018). Female entrepreneurship in a patriarchal society: motivation and challenges. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 30(4): 325-343.
- Bui, H. T. M., Zeng, Y. and Higgs, M. (2017). The role of person-fit in the relationship between transformational leadership and job engagement. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 32(5): 373-386.
- Bui, H. T. M. (2017). Big five personality traits and job satisfaction: evidence from a national sample. Journal of General Management, 42(3), 21-30.
- Bui, H. T. M., Liu, G. and Footner, S. (2016). Perceptions of HR practices on job motivation and work-life balance: Mixed drives and outcomes in a labor-intensive sector. International Journal of Manpower, 37(6): 1004-1023.
- Bui, H. T. M., Baruch, Y., Chau, V. and He, H. (2016). Team learning: The missing construct from a cross-cultural examination of higher education. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33: 29-51.
- Secchi, D., Bui, H. T. M. and Gamroth, K. (2015) Involuntary Wellness Programs: The Case of a Large US Company. Evidence-based Human Resource Management, 3(1): 2-24.
- Tabvuma, V., Bui, H. T. M. and Homberg, F. (2014) Adaptation to externally driven change: the impact of political change on job satisfaction in the public sector. Public Administration Review, 74(3): 384-395. (A Commentary on the study’s impact published on the same journal issue: )
- Bui, H.T.M. (2014) Student-supervisor expectations in the doctoral supervision process for business and management students. International Journal of Business & Management Education in Higher Education, 1(1): 12-27.
- Bui, H.T.M., Ituma, A. and Antoconapoulou, E. (2013). Antecedents and Outcomes of Personal Mastery: Cross Country Evidence. International Journal of Human Resource Management24(1-2): 167-194.
- Homberg, F and Bui, H.T.M. (2013). Top Management Team Diversity: A Systematic Review. Group and Organization Management 38(4): 455-479. (Editor’s Choice Award)
- McCarthy, D., Bui, H.T.M. and Chau, V. S. (2013) Assessing performance determinants of Higher Education Academics in developed and emerging economies: the UK vs Vietnam. Strategic Change, 22(5-6): 371-385.
- Bui, H.T.M. and Baruch, Y. (2012). Learning organisations in higher education: an empirical evaluation within an international context. Management Learning, 43(5): 515-544.
- Bui, H.T.M. and Baruch, Y. (2010). Creating learning organisations: a systems perspective. The Learning Organization, 17(3): 208-227.
- Bui, H.T.M. and Baruch, Y. (2010). Creating learning organisations in higher education: applying a systems perspective. The Learning Organization,17(3): 228-242.
- Bui, H. T. M. (2023). Rap4Skills. Great Britain: Amazon.
Edited books
- Duong, B.H., Hoang, A.D. and Bui, T.M.H. (2021). General Education in Vietnam: Challenges, Innovation & Change (Giáo dục Phổ thông Việt Nam: Chuyển biến và Sáng tạo). Hanoi: Nha Xuat Ban Quang Van. (In Vietnamese).
- Bui, H.T.M., Nguyen, H.T.M, and Cole, D. (2019). Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability. London: Routledge.
Book chapters
- Bui, T.M.H. (2021). Future Vietnamese citizens. In Duong Bich Hang, Hoang Anh Duc & Bui Thi Minh Hong (ed), pp. 37-45. Vietnamese Education: Changes and Innovation. Hanoi: Nha Xuat Ban dan Tri. (In Vietnamese)
- Bui, H.T.M. (2020). What impacts academics’ performance from the learning organisation perspective? A comparative study. In Phan Le Ha & Doan Ba Ngoc (Ed), pp, 78-106. Higher Education in Market-Oriented Socialist Vietnam: New Players, Discourse, and Practices. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan
- Bui, H.T.M. (2019). Senge’s learning organisation: Development of the learning organisation model. In A. Örtenblad (Ed), pp. 35-49. The Oxford Handbook of the Learning Organisation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bui, H.T.M. (2019). Other definitions of the learning organisation: When more is not less: Toward a new definition of the learning organisation. In A. Örtenblad (Ed), pp. 137-147. The Oxford Handbook of the Learning Organisation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bui, H.T.M. (2019). Building multidisciplinary programmes that engage industry: A critical task for higher education to enhance graduate employability. In H.T.M. Bui, T.M.H. Nguyen & D. Cole (Ed). Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability, pp. 9-19 London: Routledge.
- Bui, H.T.M. and Nguyen, H.T.M. (2019). Higher education, innovation and employability. In H.T.M. Bui, T.M.H. Nguyen & D. Cole (Ed). Innovate Higher Education to Enhance Graduate Employability, pp. 1-8. London: Routledge.
- Bui, H.T.M. and Baruch, Y. (2013). Universities as Learning Organizations: Internationalisation and Innovation. In A. Örtenblad (Ed). Handbook of Research on the Learning Organisation: Adaptation and Context. Pp 227-244. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Conference Papers
- Aug 2022 “How Metaphors Make Sense of Crisis: The case of South African #FreeHigherEducation# Movement", Academy of Management, Settle, Washington, USA.
- Aug 2022 “World Business Leaders’ Performativity of Twitter Language as Social Action", Academy of Management, Settle, Washington, USA.
- Jul 2022 “BEST Educational Ecosystem”, BCU Learning and Teaching Futures Conference, Birmingham, UK
- May 2022 “Learning Organisation for Innovation and Sustainability” at The Learning Organisation Conference: Contemporary Approach to Learning in the Asia Pacific, organised by RMIT Vietnam (Keynote)
- Apr 2022 “Entrepreneurial Resilience” for Sustainability in Family Businesses and Institutional Resilience organised by Family Business and Entrepreneurship Application and Research Centre, T.R. Istanbul Kültür University, Turkish (Keynote)
- Aug 2021 “Systems Exploitations under the Name of Modern Slavery”, Academy of Management, online. Best Paper Award. (Proceedings)
- Aug 2021 “#FreeHigherEducation# in the Post-Apartheid Era: The Legitimacy Battle”, Academy of Management, online.
- Dec 2020 “Understanding Strategic Agility in Transitional Economies through the Logic of Effectuation Theory: Privatised and Non-Privatised Firms in Vietnam”, EURAM 2020, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
- Nov 2019 “What Impacts Academic Performance in the Ranking Game Era? International Comparative Research” at the Internationalisation of Higher Education Beyond English, Hanoi-Halong, Vietnam (Keynote)
- Nov 2019 “Education toward Global Citizenship” for the conference Developing Generations for Vietnam in the 4th Industrial Revolution at Thai Nguyen University, Vietnam on 12 /11/2019 (Keynote)
- Oct 2019 “What makes Innovative and Sustainable Leadership?” panel discussion at the Leadership and Public Policy Symposium, Vietnam Academy of Politics II, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Sep 2019 “Does the Impact of CEO Duality on Corporate Entrepreneurship in Privatised Vietnamese Firms represent a Strategic Agility Orientation? No, but potentially Yes!” British Academy of Management, Aston University, Birmingham.
- Aug 2019 “University’s Shared Vision and Academic Performance: International Evidence”, Academy of Management, Boston, USA. (Proceedings)
- Jul 2019 “Innovation for Entrepreneurial Companies: What Can They Learn from Jazz Music”, 10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Nice, France.
- Jul 2019, “How to be appropriate? Early-career academics’ identity work in the era of exclusion”, EGOS, Edinburgh.
- Sep 2018, “Developing an alternative strategic thinking perspective: Towards a framework of systems strategic thinking”, British Academy of Management, Bristol.
- Sep 2018 “The Effect of Professionalism on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Via Job Engagement: Testing Multi-Group Invariance”, British Academy of Management, Bristol.
- Aug 2018 “Manifestation of Unethical and Immoral Acts in Higher Education”, Academy of Management, Chicago, USA.
- Dec 2017 “Roles of Business Schools for New Generations of Innovative Business Leaders: An Institutional Theory Perspective”, Society for Research into Higher Education Conference, Newport, Wales.
- Sep 2017 “Moral Hazards in Higher Education: The case of Pakistan”, British Academy of Management, Coventry.
- Aug 2017 “The Dynamics of Organisational and Non-organisational Career in Vietnam Career Ecosystem”, Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA.
- Mar 2017 “Learning Society for Innovation and Sustainability” at the Gulf Corporation Countries Council’s Innovation Policy Symposium, Muscat, Oman (Keynote)
- Dec 2016 “How does Employee Co-ownership Benefit the Shared Vision within an Organisational Business Unit?”, CIPD Conference, London.
- Nov 2016 “Universities as Learning Organisations for Innovation and Sustainability” at the ESPM, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Invited)
- Sep 2016 “Translation of Systems Thinking Theories to Organisational Management”, British Academy of Management, Newcastle.
- Sep 2016 “An integrated framework to understand a contemporary career in emerging Vietnam”, British Academy of Management, Newcastle.
- Sep 2016 “A Systematic Review of Decision Making under Uncertainty”, British Academy of Management, Newcastle.
- Aug 2016: "Career Ambition and Performance: A Socio-Analytic Perspective ", Academy of Management, Anaheim, California, United States.
- May 2016: “Storytelling in an age of Uncertainty – How firms communicate vision, purpose, success and reassurance”, 11th OS Workshop Spirituality, Symbolism, and Storytelling, Mykonos, Greece.
- Sep 2015: “Leadership Discourse Analysis: The Case of Starbuck CEO”, British Academy of Management, Portsmouth.
- Sep 2015: “The role of person-environment fit in the relationship between transformational leader and job engagement amongst Chinese knowledge workers”, British Academy of Management, Portsmouth.
- Sep 2015: “Foresight is a Metaphor, and it Matters! Managing the Survivor Syndrome during a Major Economic Recession”, British Academy of Management, Portsmouth.
- Aug 2015: "Moderators of the Relationship between Turnover Intentions and Performance", Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada. (Proceedings)
- Oct 2014: “Curb your Ambition: A Study on Career Ambition and Performance in the Public Sector” at the Public Sector Service Motivation Workshop, Friedrichshafen, Germany by the German Research Foundation. (Invited)
- Sep 2014: ‘Corporate Website: Employment Brand Equity with Job Growth and Reputation’, British Academy of Management, North Ireland, UK.
- Sep 2014: ‘HR Practices in Care Service’, British Academy of Management, North Ireland, UK.
- Sep 2014: ‘Understanding the Effect of Communication on Team Diversity and Team Performance: A Meta-analysis’, British Academy of Management, North Ireland, UK.
- Aug 2014: ‘Antecedents of Sexualized Work Environment and Their Relationship with Emotional Exhaustion’, Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Jun 2014: ‘The Adoption of High-Involvement HR Practices: Mixed Drives and Outcomes’. EURAM 2014 Conference, Valencia.
- Jun 2014: ‘Positive Organizational Culture and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: From Positive Reinforcement to the Development of Institutional Environment’. EURAM 2014 Conference, Valencia.
- Oct 2013: ‘Top Management Team Diversity and Performance’ at the British Academy of Management Performance Management Special Interest Group, Southampton University.
- Sep 2013: “Career Ambition and Performance” at the British Academy of Management, University of Liverpool.
- Sep 2013: “Group Effects on Individual Attitudes toward Social Responsibility” at the British Academy of Management, University of Liverpool.
- Aug 2013: “Student-Supervisor expectations in the doctoral supervision process” at the Academy of Management Conference in Orlando, Florida.
- Jul 2013: “Curb Your Career Ambition” at 26th European Operational Research in Rome.
- Jun 2013: Personal Mastery in Human Resource Management: A Comparative Analysis” at the Global Business and Social Science Research Conference, Beijing, China.
- May 2013: “Career Ambition and Performance in the Public Sector” at Beyond the Boundaryless Career? New Avenues for Careers Research Conference, Kingston, London
- Apr 2013: “HR Practices and Work Attitudes” at CIPD Research Showcase Meeting in Bournemouth
- Sep 2012: “Political Preferences Matter: The Impact of Preference Matching on Job Satisfaction in the Public Sector” at the British Academy of Management Conference, Cardiff.
- Aug 2012: “Personal factors as mediators of the relationships between high-involvement HRM practices and work attitudes” at Academy of Management Conference, Boston
- Sep 2011: ‘Team learning in higher education: an international context' at the British Academy of Management Conference, Aston University, Birmingham.
- Jul 2011: ‘Universities are learning organisations? An empirical evaluation within an international context’ at the 18th International Conference on Learning, in Mauritius.
- Jul 2011: ‘The role of personal and organisational characteristics in determining academic performance: An international comparison’ in the Learning Conference, in Mauritius, 05-08/07.
- June 2011: ‘Top Team Management Diversity’ at the 2011 European Academy of Management Conference, in Tallinn.
- Dec 2010: “Universities as Learning Organisations in Creating Smart Response to Climate Change” at the International Conference of the Role of University in Smart Response to Climate Change by the Vietnam National University Hanoi (Invited)
- Jul 2010: ‘Framework of team learning in higher education’ in the 6th International Seminar Quality Management in Higher Education – QMHE2010 in Tulcea, Romania.
- Jul 2010: ‘Team learning in higher education: A multidimensional comparative research’ in the 6th International Seminar Quality Management in Higher Education – QMHE2010 in Tulcea, Romania.
- Jan 2010: ‘Creating learning organisations in higher education: An international comparative research’ at the School of Education, University of East Anglia, (Invited).
- Jul 2009: ‘Creating learning organisations in higher education: A systems perspective’ at the 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the University of Athens, Greece.
- Jun 2009: ‘Comparative research: Team learning in higher education’ in Kaleidoscope at the Faculty of Education, Cambridge University.
- Mar 2009: ‘Personal mastery in higher education’ in Human Resource and Managing Performance, BAM Performance Management Special Interest Group at Nottingham Trent Business School.
- Oct 2008: ‘Universities as Learning Organizations’ at the Norwich Business School’s 5th Annual Doctoral Colloquium, Norwich.
Work With Industry
- AVSE Global, France
- British Council Thailand & Thai Higher Education Council, Thailand
- Da Nang Provincial Council, Vietnam
- Eastleigh Council and Hampshire Creativity Industries, UK
- EMA Consultancy Group, UK
- Ho Chi Minh City Council, Vietnam
- JP Morgan, UK
- Nanofabrication Centre, University of Southampton, UK
- Normandy Business School, France
- Ordnance Survey, UK
- P165, Vietnam Government
- Quang Tri Provincial Council, Vietnam
- Vail Williams, UK
- Yen Bai Provincial Council, Vietnam