BCU in your country

We've developed a wide range of educational partnerships across the world, making it easier for you to apply to study with us. Links with agents and representatives in your country allow you to explore all of the study options available to you and give you the opportunity to be guided through the application process.

Non-EU Europe/Central Asia

United Kingdom

Our partnerships

Our in-country representatives can help you make your application and apply for a visa, as well as offering important advice on travel, living in the UK and studying abroad.

Our staff

Our staff frequently travel around the world to forge new partnerships and connections, ensuring our ongoing reputation as a genuinely international university. They're always happy to meet prospective students to give advice and information.

Our programmes

We offer over 400 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, covering a huge range of subject areas, from art to business and engineering to fashion.

Useful information

Email us

If you have any questions about applying for a programme, to getting advice about living in Birmingham, drop us an email and our friendly team will follow up with you.

Email us

Request a call

Complete our form below and we'll call you at a convenient time for you. If you can't wait, you can call us on the number below, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm GMT.

+44 (0)121 331 5389

Request a call back

Social media

Our international social media accounts are a great way to find out more about the University, ask questions and make new friends and contacts. We're active on most social media channels so you've always got a friendly person to speak to.

More about social media

Visit us

If you’re in Birmingham, pop in and ask to speak to the International Office.

  • Birmingham City University
  • Curzon Building
  • 4 Cardigan Street
  • Birmingham B4 7BD
See events on campus

Your country

We have representatives across the world, simply find your country and click on the 'agent' tab to find out who you can speak to in your home town.

View full list of countries