Past Projects
Evaluation of the Professional Exchange Network Programme
Birmingham City University is undergoing research to critically evaluate the impact of the Professional Exchange Net...
The factors affecting the quality of the ‘off-the-job’ element of apprenticeships in the West Midlands region
The research aimed to explore the challenges of putting together and delivering successful apprenticeship programmes. ...
Open School Doors
Reducing disparities in learning outcomes for children from refugee, asylum seeker, and newly arrived migration context...
Transforming Lives and Communities
Focusing on colleges not just as a producers of human capital but rather, as important community resources.
Preparing students for patient engagement with VR
Compassionate care is experiential and hard to teach, but VR could help prepare health students for their first engage...
Leadership and the quality of teaching and learning in FE
What is the relationship between leadership and improving teaching and learning?
The impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework
An exploration of the impact and implications of the Teaching Excellence Framework
Improving learning and teaching through collaborative observation
The primary aim of this project was to create a sustainable and collaborative model of observations.
Belonging and achieving at BCU: pedagogy for all
Exploring how making a space in the curriculum for students to share aspects of their cultural background and identity ...
Template for performative inquiry
This study draws on Hill’s ‘cabaret’ research dissemination to develop a template to use for the range of exemplars.
Using performative modes of research dissemination
The researchers in this project are actively and proactively exploring creative modes of research dissemination.
Exemplars of performative inquiry
The research is in its early stages and has already identified exemplars of creative modes of research dissemination. ...
Communities of Practice around research supervision
Researchers are providing an array of approaches to investigating research supervision.
Leadership, further education and social justice
This research project aims to explore how further education leaders who have a self-professed history of commitment to...
What value does a Master’s in Education have for diverse student groups?
Exploring the experiences and motivations of students participating in taught Master's courses to understand the benef...

Pedagogies for the Virtual Campus
This was a collaborative project between Birmingham City University, The Manchester College and the…

Creative Methodologies in HE and FE Settings
This Higher Education Academy funded project explored the value of using creative methods for…

Cognition in mathematics
"Given a problem to solve they know what kind of maths they need to use … it makes them think…

Literacies for employabilities
This multidisciplinary HEA Collaborative project developed by Birmingham City University staff and…