What is Clearing?

Clearing offers you a chance to find a full time undergraduate course to start this September. Almost 68,000 students found their university place through Clearing last year, so you wouldn’t be alone in exploring your options.

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What is Clearing?

When does Clearing start?

Clearing starts from the beginning of July each year. If you have your exam results you can apply straight away, however you might need to wait until A Level or GCSE Results Day in August to be able to apply. We advise you to research your course options early though so that you are prepared when A Level Results Day arrives.

When does Clearing end?

Clearing usually closes around the middle of September or when the courses in Clearing are full.

How does Clearing work?

A university will list the courses which have places available to start in the coming September. We list our courses from the beginning of July. As soon as you have your exam results, you can apply for the course either online (until mid August) or by calling the university's Clearing hotline which opens on A Level Results Day (Thursday 16 August).

If you have the required exam results for the course, you can be made an offer in Clearing. Once you have been made an offer, you will receive an email from the university which explains what you need to do next to accept your offer and make arrangements for student finance or accommodation if you need it.

Worried? Get alerts and advice.

Be prepared for Clearing with our Clearing guide and alerts about our available courses.

What is UCAS Extra?

UCAS Extra is a great way to apply to additional universities or different subjects after the initial UCAS deadline date of 15 January has passed. UCAS Extra is open from 25 February to 30 June but you'll need to make sure you're eligible! You can only apply to UCAS Extra if you have either received no offers from your original five choices or if you have changed your mind about the course/subject you wish to study and intend to decline all offers/choices you haveFind out more about UCAS Extra.

Who can apply in Clearing?

There are many reasons why you might want to apply for university in Clearing. Not sure if Clearing is for you? Take our quiz.

  • Your exam results are worse than you expected
  • You decide to apply at the last minute
  • You change your mind about the course you’ve already applied for
  • Your exam results are better than you expected – this is known as Adjustment.

How do I apply in Clearing?

1) Check which courses are available

Not all university courses have places in Clearing as they may already be full for this September. A full list of courses which are available in Clearing at Birmingham City University will be published at the beginning of July. Once you've found a course that you’re interested in, you'll need to check that you have the UCAS tariff points stated and any other specific entry requirements for the course. Sometimes the UCAS tariff points for Clearing are different to the main UCAS entry requirements. Take a look at the courses we offer.

2) Apply online

You will need to have your exam results before you can apply. Once you have your results, you can apply online from the beginning of July. Our Clearing hotline will then open from 6am on Thursday 16 August.

If you haven’t got your exam results yet, it’s never too early to do your research. Ask your questions to our expert course advisors.

What happens after you get an offer?

If we are able to offer you a place, you’ll receive an email telling you what to do next to accept it. You’ll also get some more information with details of the important things you need to do before joining us in September – like online enrolment, accommodation and student finance. Find out more about what to do next.

Other FAQs

When do A Level Results come out?

A Level exam results come out on Thursday 16 August 2018. You will usually have to go into your school or college to collect your grades – exact times and details will vary. Before your school opens you can usually log on to UCAS Track to find out whether your status has changed and if you have met your offer, however this won’t give you any details about how many UCAS tariff points you have. If you call a University Clearing hotline, you will need to have your grades in order to get an offer for a place however you can call us before and we’ll be happy to advise you on your potential options.

How do I find courses with places available in Clearing?

At the beginning of July, we will publish a list of our courses which have places available. In the meantime, you can browse our full range of courses, but some of these might not be available in Clearing.

When can I apply through Clearing?

You can apply as soon as you have your exam results. If you are a BTEC student or did your exams last year or before, you can apply from the beginning of July. If you’re waiting for A Level Results, call our Clearing hotline on Thursday 16 August.

Which universities have Clearing places?

Most universities offer Clearing to some extent, however the number of places and the variety of courses available will vary. We usually have a wide variety of courses available. Sign up to receive notifications when more details on our Clearing courses is available.

Is it possible to apply through Clearing with an offer from another university?

Yes it is possible. You will have to call up the University where you already have an offer and ask them to release you into Clearing.

Can I apply for a part time or postgraduate course through Clearing?

Clearing is only for full time undergraduate course applications. We have places available on our part time and postgraduate courses to start this Autumn – you’ll just need to apply online for these options. You’ll find the links from each course page.

Can international students apply through Clearing?

Yes! If you’re an international student who is looking to start a course with us this September, you may be able to get a place through Clearing. Find out more.

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Worried? Don't be.

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