Eleanor Thomas

Accountancy - BA (Hons) 

Eleanor travelled to Ghana, helping to teach local children English and Maths. 

Big difference

"I travelled to Ghana as part of the International Travel Scholarship, where I was involved in a project where I taught and helped to teach English and Maths in various schools."

"Some schools were private schools and others only had teachers when volunteers came to teach. This was very tough as there were limited resources at the schools and at some schools the English was quite poor which made it very challenging. It involved a lot of innovating and thinking on the spot to keep the children’s focus and attention, and I feel I learned the most from this project."

"I also did a building project where I helped to build and plaster a set of new toilet blocks at a school. I enjoyed this as I got to learn skills that I wouldn’t normally do every day and as most schools in the area didn’t even have any toilets I feel this would have made a big difference."


"I was also involved in a project called outreach where a group of volunteers buy resources such as food, water filters, generators etc., and hand them out to an extremely poor community in the area, which was a very humbling and one of the most overwhelming experiences in Ghana." 

"Overall I feel that this experience has been very eye-opening and enjoyable. I have learned many different things about the culture in Ghana and the way that Ghanaian's live. I would recommend anyone to do a project like this if they had the chance to as I feel it is truly life changing."

Eleanor Thomas Travel Collage